World’s Most Educated People Weigh In On The Arctic

My hometown of Los Alamos, New Mexico is the most educated city in the world.  They just published this article.

“Since 1970, the Arctic has experienced a larger warming trend than most of the globe, leading to decreasing Arctic sea-ice cover, melting of the Greenland ice sheet and rising sea levels. Sudden jumps in temperatures in the region occur on a short timescale that is invisible to most climate models. Selecting the models that capture trends for 10- or 20-year periods can allow more accurate predictions of Arctic climate change and its effects”

Arctic temperatures are increasing 4 times faster than global warming | Discover Los Alamos National Laboratory

They started their trend in 1970, when scientists were worried about a new ice age.


U.S. and Soviet Press Studies of a Colder Arctic – The New York Times

Arctic temperatures are cyclical and controlled by the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis

17 Dec 1939, Page 15 – Harrisburg Sunday Courier

Retreat of the Abrekke glacier in Norway before 1946.

The Present Climatic Fluctuation on JSTOR


Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs

The surface mass balance has been above average every day this summer and for four out of the last six years.


Surface Conditions: Polar Portal

The North Pole is having its coldest summer on record.

Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

The Arctic was ice-free when Stonehenge was built and CO2 levels were much lower.

Less Ice In Arctic Ocean 6000-7000 Years Ago — ScienceDaily

Holocene Treeline History and Climate Change Across Northern Eurasia – ScienceDirect

In 2009 Petr Chylek knew the complete story, but seems to have since forgotten everything which happened before 1970.

“the Arctic warming from 1910–1940 proceeded at a significantly faster rate than the current 1970–2008 warming”

Arctic air temperature change amplification and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation – Chylek – 2009 – Geophysical Research Letters – Wiley Online Library

I sent the author this email :

Hi Petr,

I saw this article in LANL news “Arctic temperatures are increasing 4 times faster than global warming” and was trying to figure out why the article left out the pre-1970 data.

In 2009 you wrote :
“the Arctic warming from 1910–1940 proceeded at a significantly faster rate than the current 1970–2008 warming”

Did the LANL press office misrepresent your work?


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NPR – “It seems obvious”

“Heat waves have the clearest connection to global warming. “It seems obvious that as the global climate warms, heat waves would also warm”

Climate change makes weather worse : NPR

From the National Climate Assessment :

“As with warm daily temperatures, heat wave magnitude reached a maximum in the 1930s. The frequency of intense heat waves (4-day, 1-in-5 year events) has generally increased since the 1960s in most regions except the Midwest and the Great Plains”


Temperature Changes in the United States – Climate Science Special Report

1896 Heatwave

TimesMachine: August 18, 1896

Late Victorian Holocausts: El Niño Famines and the Making of the Third World , Davis, Mike –

“The year 1896 may have been one of the worst year for tornadoes in the history of the USA. There were at least 40 killer tornadoes, including the only one to cause more than 100 deaths in two separate cities.”

Tornadoes in the Past

On May 27, 1896 St. Louis was largely destroyed by a tornado.

28 May 1896, Page 1 – The Brooklyn Daily Eagle at

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NPR – “It seems obvious”

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EV Road Test

With an electric truck, you can take a family vacation all the way from just north of Denver to just south of Denver, a distance of 54 miles.

h/t Pierre Gosselin.

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Record Heat of July 9, 1936

On July 9, 1936 forty-three states were over 90F, thirty-six states were over 100F and South Dakota, North Dakota and Indiana were all over 110F.

09 Jul 1936, 1 – Star-Gazette at

SD 115 ND 114 IN 110

IL 108 KY 108 AZ 107 CO 107 MN 107 VA 107 IA 106 KS 106 MI 106 NE 106 NJ 106 NY 106 OH 106 PA 106 WY 106 CA 105 MO 105 OK 105 WI 105 MT 104 TN 103 GA 102 MD 102 WV 102 AR 101 SC 101 TX 101 AL 100 CT 100 DE 100 MS 100 NC 100 UT 100

LA 99 FL 98 NM 98 NH 97 NV 96 VT 95 MA 93

North Platte Daily Telegraph (North Platte, Nebraska) – 09 Jul 1936, Thu – Page1


Has Been Coldest, Hottest, Dryest, Wettest In U S. Over Large Area.

Washington, July 9, (AP) — A dizzying succession of phenomenal weather — most of it bad, has made the last 12 months one of the most remarkable periods on the weather bureau’s books. In one part of the country or another, weather men have recorded the coldest winter, the hottest summer, the worst floods, the most devastating dust storms| and the most severe tornadoes and hurricanes in history. The central and eastern portions of the country recorded the extremes in low temperatures during the winter of 1935-36,

“At Devils Lake, N. D. Bureau officials said, “there was established a winter temperature record that probably had no parallel in the weather history of this country for a first-order weather bureau station. The temperature went below freezing on November 27 and did not rise to the freezing point until March 1, a period of 96 days.”

The average temperature for January and February at Devils Lake was 13 degrees below zero.

FROM COLD TO HOT. It is in this same region where record heat is now being recorded within the last week, A report of 112 degrees was received from Devils Lake. Kennebec, S. D., reported a maximum of 119 degrees.

Temperatures in the Dakotas have ranged around and over 100 degrees for more than a week,”

09 Jul 1936, 1 – North Platte Daily Telegraph at

Temperatures at Fort Yates, North Dakota ranged from -50F on February 16, 1936 to 119F on July 6, 1936, a warm up of 169 degrees.

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July 9, 1936 – Hottest Day On Record In New York City


New York Gasps in the Highest Temperature in Bureau’s History.


Mercury in Times Square at 115 —Throngs Sleep in Streets, Parks and on Beaches.


Searing Wave Sweeps Entire East—Cyclonic New England Storm Does Wide Damage.

New York and the East generally gasped in the highest temperatures in recorded weather history here yesterday as searing blasts of heat, borne out of the parched drought areas of the Middle West, con- verted city, town and country into one vast oven.

‘The official high reading in New York City of 102.3 was taken at 2:50 P. M., 415 feet above the sun- baked pavements and melting asphalt roadways, by Weather Bureau officials on the roof of the Whitehall Building and tempered by bay breezes.

But it did not tell the true story. The instrument for measuring the sun’s intensity set up in the Central Park Observatory by David R. Morris, meteorologist, gave a reading of 145 degrees at 12:40 P, M., while the reading in the shade was 106 degrees at 5 P. M.

115 in Times Square

In Times Square, where the western wind carried the heat against the faces of pedestrians, there were unofficial readings of 115 degrees, due to heat reflection from the sidewalks. In the canyons of the financial district men and: women. reported the heat waves visible”

TimesMachine: Friday July 10, 1936 –

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Japan Assasination

Gun ownership is illegal in Japan.

8:48 PM · Jul 7, 2022

Attack On Shinzo Abe Updates: Ex Japan PM Showing “No Vital Signs” After Attack, Says Reports

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Guilting The Woke Mind

There are a lot of academic studies coming out with the message “your use of reliable low cost energy is killing poor people with darker skin in Africa.”

As climate change makes some areas dangerous to live in, it may get harder to move

Life expectancy has increased tremendously around the world including Africa.

Life expectancy, 1543 to 2019

The problem they have in Africa is a lack of access to fossil fuels and have to cook with dung or wood.

“According to the Tracking SDG7: The Energy Progress Report published in 2022, 91 per cent of the world’s population had access to electricity and 69 per cent had access to clean cooking fuels and technologies in 2020. Clean cooking fuels include, for example, electricity, biogas, solar, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and ethanol.”

#LeaveNoOneBehind: ensuring universal access in Southeast Asia’s energy transition | Opinion | Eco-Business | Asia Pacific


Global cooling is what causes drought in Africa, not global warming.

“Scientists have found other indications of global cooling. For one thing there has been a noticeable expansion of the great belt of dry, high-altitude polar winds —the so-called circumpolar vortex—that sweep from west to east around the top and bottom of the world. Indeed it is the widening of this cap of cold air that is the immediate cause of Africa’s drought. By blocking moisture-bearing equatorial winds and preventing them from bringing rainfall to the parched sub-Sahara region, as well as other drought-ridden areas stretching all the way from Central America to the Middle East and India,”

TIME Magazine Archive Article — Another Ice Age? — Jun. 24, 1974

The Greening of the Sahara: Past Changes and Future Implications – ScienceDirect

Most of Africa is getting greener.

Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds | NASA

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Guilting The Woke Mind

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Seventy-Five Years Ago Today


Roswell, N. M, J M., July 8.—(U,P)

Possession of a “flying disc” was disclosed today by the in- intelligence office of the 509th bomb group of the Roswell army air base,

Officers at the base say that the ‘disc’ was flown in a super- fortress to “higher headquarters” undisclosed,

The intelligence office reported that it gained possession of the “disc” through the co-operation of a Roswell rancher and George Wilson, sheriff at Roswell.

The disc landed on a ranch near Roswell sometime last week. Not having telephone facilities, the rancher, whose name has not yet been obtained, stored the disc until such time as he was able to contact the Roswell sheriff’s office,

The air base refused to give details of construction of the disc or its appearance.

Residents near the ranch on which the disc was found reported seeing a strange blue light several days ago about 3 a. m.”

08 Jul 1947, Page 1 – Medford Mail Tribune at

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