110 Years Of The Same Nonsense

“Coal and wood will disappear from the earth. Coal already is dwindling alarmingly, and the most  ambitious efforts of the foresters will not forestall he final obliteration of the forests. Electricity is manifestly the sole dependence of the future.

“In the Northwest several years ago the cold was so intense and the fuel famine so prolonged that the farmers there kept themselves alive by burning their boundary fences and their outhouses. The winds were frightful in their temperature and destructive force. Why should they not have been  utilized to keep those homes comfortable.

By means of a simple windmill, power could be produced which would keep the homes of the far  Northwest at a uniform temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit, even in the deadliest cold weather.”

New York Times    January 1, 1911

TimesMachine: January 1, 1911 – NYTimes.com


Edison’s New Storage Battery is Cause of Revolution.


Removes Last Objection to Electric Car Used by Advocates of Gas.

In the perfection of his new storage battery, Thomas A, Edison has inaugurated a new era in electric locomotion. The successful efforts of the electrical wizard will revolutionize the commercial adaption of vehicles propelled by their own power. The new batteries supply a long felt want In the electrical world and remove all objections to the electric automobile.”

09 May 1910, 4 – Des Moines Tribune at Newspapers.com

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Preventing Bad Weather By Vandalizing Art

Climate protesters in London vandalize a Van Gogh painting, because they believe doing that will prevent bad weather in the future.

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Electric Vehicle Problem Solved!

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“Page Not Found”

On November 1, 2020 this twenty year old document was on the National Interagency Fire Center website. That was right before the pretend election.

“Historically, fire has been a frequent and major ecological factor in North America. In the conterminous United States during the preindustrial period (1500- 1800), an average of 145 million acres burned annually. Today only 14 million acres (federal and non-federal) are burned annually by wildland fire from all ignition sources.”

Wayback Machine

The next time it was captured by the Internet Archive was April 25, 2021 and looked like this :

Page not found | National Interagency Fire Center

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Fifty-Seven Years Into The Scam

“Air pollution is no longer confined to isolated places. This generation has altered the composition of the atmosphere on a global scale through radioactive materials and a steady increase in carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels. Entire regional airsheds, crop plant environments, and river basins are heavy with noxious materials. Motor vehicles and home heating plants, municipal dumps and factories continually hurl pollutants into the air we breathe. Each day almost 50,000 tons of unpleasant, and sometimes poisonous, sulfur dioxide are added to the atmosphere, and our automobiles produce almost 300,000 tons of other pollutants.”

– Lyndon Baines Johnson February 8, 1965

LBJ Presidential Library | Research

The US was suffering severe air pollution problems, and Lyndon Johnson called CO2 a pollutant.

“06 Aug 1965

While the water supply situation in the Midwest is spottedly acute, the drought conditions in the northeastern part of the country is “the most intense in the history of that area. according to a recent Presidential report on water resources. Conditions in the Delaware Basin are “particularly critical.” Yet the governors of that area attending the National Governors’ Conference recently in Minneapolis failed to reach a decision on asking President Johnson to designate the affected states as composing a drought disaster area.”

06 Aug 1965, Page 4 – Anderson Herald at Newspapers.com

During the 1960s there was unanimous consensus earth was cooling.

TimesMachine: January 30, 1961 – NYTimes.com

“Canberra Times Thursday 18 July 1963, page 44
Glaciers Grow In Norway

OSLO (A.A.P.-Reuter). — Norway’s glaciers are in the process of becoming thicker again after a period of 200 years of gradually melting down, according to glaciologist, Mr. Olav Liestol.

Last year nearly all glaciers increased by more than one metre — approximately four feet.

Mr. Liestol does not fore-see another ice age, but says that if Norway gets a series of years with a cold mean temperature, people must expect the glaciers gradually to creep further down into the valleys again.”

18 Jul 1963 – Glaciers Grow In Norway – Trove

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Ethiopian Honeycomb Opal

Kirye made this necklace yesterday from Ethiopian Honeycomb Opal. The colors are stunning.

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Cheap Is The New Expensive

The EPA has made energy prices skyrocket by shutting down low cost sources of fuel. Today the Supreme Court took away their ability to do that – and The Atlantic responded by saying low cost energy will be very, very expensive.

The Supreme Court’s EPA Ruling Is Going to Be Very, Very Expensive – The Atlantic

They also want people to pay them money to read their propaganda.

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Revolutionary War Weather

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”

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Plandemic Confirmed

“I chaired the commission for The Lancet for two years on COVID. I am pretty convinced it came out of US lab biotechnology, not out of nature.” 

– Jeffrey Sachs

3:48 AM · Jun 16, 2022

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Supreme Court Rescues New Mexico’s Economy

Biden’s energy policies severely damaged the economy of New Mexico, but New Mexico has a new industry profiting from killing out-of-state unborn babies.

At New Mexico abortion clinic, calls from Texas flood in, wait times grow | The Texas Tribune

New Mexico Officials Taken Aback By Biden Assault On Oil And Gas

Baby killing tourism will greatly increase the state’s carbon footprint.

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