Record Rainfall And Drought

The press says the western US is experiencing thousand year rainfall and five hundred year drought, and that increased soil moisture causes drought.

How Thousand-Year Storms Snuck Up On CA And Why We May Not Be Done | Los Angeles, CA Patch

“These hot temperatures have increased the soil moisture, which in turn has contributed to the severity and frequency of drought.”

Western US Seeing Extreme Weather ‘Unprecedented’ in 500 Years

The good news is that people in Colorado can overcome climate anxiety by pretending to be  a butterfly.

Overwhelmed by climate anxiety? Try becoming a butterfly (or pretending to) | Colorado Public Radio

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National Fire Propaganda

The National Climate Assessment is full of propaganda and outright fraud, with their abuse of information about forest fires being particularly egregious.

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Homogenizing Melo

Melo, Uruguay is a relatively rural location 300 miles from Buenos Aires.  The thermometer data there shows no warming, but NOAA creates 3.8F/century warming by homogenizing in UHI contaminated data from Buenos Aires.

Same data tampering story at Mercedes, 100 miles from Buenos Aires.

Same story for all of Uruguay.

The historical data east of the Andes mountains is dominated by UHI effects from Buenos Aires.

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (v4): Station Data

UHI at Buenos Aires corrupts much the temperature data in South America.  NOAA claims that they partially mitigate the problem through homogenization, but they don’t.

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (v4)

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National Climate Heatwave Fakery

The National Climate Assessment predicts “Ten more days above 95F each year in the Midwest”  The actual trend is downwards



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National Climate Fakers

The National Climate Assessment hides all the US fire data prior to 1983, in order to create the appearance that fires are increasing.


National Fire News | National Interagency Fire Center
National Interagency Fire Center

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“Climate action can’t wait”

Biden is once again using “climate” to divide America and distract attention away from the very real problems he created.

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“climate change keeps you up at night”

“Climate anxiety, or eco-anxiety, is distress related to worries about the effects of climate change. It is not a mental illness. Rather, it is anxiety rooted in uncertainty about the future and alerting us to the dangers of a changing climate. Climate change is a real threat, and therefore it’s normal to experience worry and fear about the consequences. Anxiety about the climate is often accompanied by feelings of grief, anger, guilt, and shame, which in turn can affect mood, behavior, and thinking.”

If climate change keeps you up at night, here’s how to cope – Harvard Health

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“to rely on the wind is to rely on Satan’s mercy!”

“THE FLYING DUTCHMAN   Romantic opera in three acts

to rely on the wind is to rely on Satan’s mercy!”

Wagner: Der fliegende Holländer (Libretto – english)

h/t Latimer Alder

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That Didn’t Take Long

Sabine Hossenfelder imagines that the lives of hundreds of millions of people depends on her opinion about CO2. I pointed out the absurdity of her position, so she blocked me.

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Fake UHI Correction At Buenos Aires

UHI at Buenos Aires corrupts most the temperature data in South America.  NOAA claims that they partially mitigate the problem through homogenization, but they don’t.

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (v4)

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