Imaginary Record Heat

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is the 11th largest country in the world.

NOAA frequently shows record heat there, despite not having any data.

map-percentile-mntp-202311.png (990×765)

202311.png (990×765)

The only station in the DRC which reported temperatures during November, 2023 was the airport at Kinshasha.

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (v4): Station Data

The other station which GISS shows on their map is incorrectly placed.  It is not in the DRC.

The one reporting station is located next to an airport runway in one of the world’s largest heat islands.

Kinshasa, Republic of Congo Metro Area Population 1950-2024 | MacroTrends

The GHCN V4 database has almost no data for the DRC outside of the Kinshasha airport, which is warming at a rate of almost 9F per century.

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Carbon Neutral Beer

Carlsberg is selling low CO2 beer.

Woman furious after receiving ‘absolutely horrible’ cans of Carlsberg | UK News | Metro News

Apparently Carlsberg beer is threatened by carbon dioxide.

The Big Question: Will climate change alter the flavour of my beer? 

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All The News That Is Unfit To Recycle

The New York Times is reducing their carbon footprint by recycling climate stories from 120 years ago.

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New York Times Recycling Old Glacier Stories

“As Switzerland’s Glaciers Shrink, a Way of Life May Melt Away
Rising temperatures and retreating glaciers threaten Europe’s water tower, forcing local farmers to adapt and presaging larger troubles downstream.”

As Switzerland’s Glaciers Shrink, a Way of Life May Melt Away – The New York Times

Here is the same story from 1930

“WORD comes from Switzerland that the Alpine glaciers are in full retreat. Out of 102 glaciers observed by Professor P. L. Mercanton of the University of Lausanne and his associates more than two- thirds have been found to be shrinking. Does this mean the approach of a warmer climate, such as swept over our globe thousands of years ago? Will palms, cypresses, magnolias, myrtles and olive trees thrive at the feet of the Adirondacks,  as they did in those distant days?”

TimesMachine: December 21, 1930 –

Same story from 1907

“Remarkable shrinkages have been going on among the Swiss glaciers, especially in the last two or three years. According to measurements, the great Rhone glacier, one of the sights of Switzerland—at least, it used to be— has lost in the last two years no less than 88,250 square feet, and others have been shortened by anywhere from 20ft. to 40ft. Among 63 instances 53 recessions were discovered, one glacier remained stationary, and nine had slightly increased.”

– December 13, 1907

13 Dec 1907 – SHRINKING GLACIERS. – Trove

And 1911

“Catholic Press (Sydney, NSW : 1895 – 1942), Thursday 18 May 1911, page 4


Glaciers are part of the romance of mountains; the very name gives the thrill of the lonely and high and awful even to those who are not quite sure what a glacier may be. There is grave news about glaciers; they are disappearing, it would seem. Swiss peasants who are not yet quite all modernised enough to think toy railways in harmony with the eternal hills, declare that the tourists who go to see the glaciers are the cause of the ruin. Wherever the mountain cars run the glaciers flee. A Kandersteg correspondent of the “Morning Post” gives some dreary particulars. For many years past exact observations have been taken of the movements of glaciers in the Alps. The results of last year’s records have just been published, and show that all the glaciers in the Rhone district of Switzerland are in retreat, some of them to an extent which may almost be described as alarming. For example, the Arolla glacier has receded 85ft. in the past 12 months; the Aletsch, the longest in the Alps, 65 feet; the Gorner glacier, 58 feet; the Zinal, 51 feet; while the Turtmann glacier, in the Zermatt range, and the Zanfleuren or Sanetsch glacier have retreated nearly 46 feet each. Within the last ten years the Zigiornuovo glacier has shrunk by as much as 904 feet, the Zanfleuren by 718 feet, the Aletsch by 459 feet, the Zinal by 378 feet, and the Gorner by 190 feet. Others all showed more or less shrinkage. In the short space of four years, moreover, the small Mont Bonvin glacier, in the Wildstrubel range, Bernese Oberland, has entirely disappeared from sight. Another glacier, the Plaine Morte, in the same region of the Alps, has revented a little lake in the course of its receding. It is clear that if any Australian hasn’t seen a glacier yet, he had better take the next boat.”

18 May 1911 – GRAVE NEWS ABOUT GLACIERS. – Trove

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“too much energy”

Fifty years ago the US was experiencing severe energy shortages due to Arab oil producing states shutting down sales to the US.  Obama’s future science advisor (John Holdren) said that was a good thing.

WASHINGTON (UPI) _ Terrorism is less likely the result of political motivations than of everyday frustrations such. as long gasoline lines, inflation and dissatisfaction with government, a leading psychiatrist has told Congress.

01 Mar 1974, 11 – Tucson Citizen at

“By John P. Holdren BERKELEY, Calif. — The United States is threatened far more by the hazards of too much energy. too soon, than by the hazards of too little, too late …. less energy can mean more employment. The energy-producing industries comprise the most capital intensive and least labor-intensive major sector of the economy Accordingly. each dollar of investment capital taken out of energy production and invested in something else, and each — personal-consumption dollar saved by reduced energy use and spent elsewhere in the economy, will create more jobs than are lost.”

The Windsor Star – Google News Archive Search

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Rapid Climate Change During The 1990’s

In 1993 Al Gore became Vice-President, and earth’s history was rewritten to meet the needs of politicians.

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Three Years Of Joe Biden

Joe Biden cancelled the Keystone XL Pipeline three years ago.

Joe Biden’s Cancellation of the Keystone Pipeline Is a Landmark in the Climate Fight | The New Yorker

He guaranteed he would end fossil fuels.

Gasoline prices more than doubled over the following eighteen months.

Gas Station Price Charts – Local & National Historical Average Trends –

Americans need an extra $11,400 today just to afford the basics, Republican analysis finds – CBS News

His actions had no effect on CO2.


Global Monitoring Laboratory – Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases

Now prices are coming down due to record oil production.

IEA: Demand for oil on track to reach all-time high in 2023 | GreenBiz

Joe Biden Is Producing More Oil Than Donald Trump Did

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The Changing Climate Of The 1990s

The 1990 IPCC Report showed Arctic sea ice increasing since the early 1970s, but the 2001 report reversed the increase into a decrease.


Part of this treachery was including the largest freshwater lakes in the world into their sea ice calculations.

Updated digitised ice data for the Great Lakes are also included

They also erased the Medieval Warm Period And Little Ice Age, and replaced it with the Hockey Stick.


Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis

An important part of this process was to hide the decline shown in Briffa’s reconstruction, which closely resembled the 1974 NCAR graph.

briffa_recon.gif (420×320)


21 Jul 1974, 13 – The Des Moines Register at

This required erasing the “1940’s blip”

Wayback Machine

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The World’s Leading Climate Expert

Michael Mann speaks out about politics.

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Creating An Imaginary Climate Crisis

Another example of climate academics hiding critical information needed to understand what is actually going on with the climate.

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