Hot Winter

NOAA predicted a warm January-March for the US

Climate Prediction Center – Seasonal Outlook

And this is what we are getting.

10-Day Temperature Outlook for the Conterminous U.S.

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Record Climate Fakery In The Congo

Like other climate activists, a small handful of people at NASA and NOAA have decided they have the right to destroy work done by much greater people in the past,

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Record Climate Fakery In The Congo

The DRC is three times the size of Texas.  NOAA often reports record heat there despite not having any actual data.

map-percentile-mntp-202311.png (990×765)

202311.png (990×765)

There is no recent data in the DRC outside of NDJILI_INTL, which is one of the largest Urban Heat Islands

If the airport is removed, the trend disappears

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Policy Based On Fake Data

A short look at the junk science and fraud behind the making of the “global temperature record.”

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Climate Adjustment Fraud In South America

NOAA claims they reduce the UHI effect at Buenos Aires in their final adjusted database, but they don’t – they actually increase it

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (v4)C

The GHCN database has very few stations from South America, with five of them near Buenos Aires

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (v4): Station Data

The UHI contaminated Buenos Aires thermometer gets homogenized into the other stations and triples the warming trend.

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A World Of Agreement

Five different groups came up with very similar graphs based on the same set of non-existent temperature data.

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Heating The Arctic

Government scientists have almost no data from the Arctic from 1884, but they have been able to determine that earth is heating rapidly based primarily on imaginary Arctic data.

Global Temperature | Vital Signs – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

All of these groups came up with the same fake graph.

World of Change: Global Temperatures

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“Imagine There’s No Data”

NASA shows between 0.5 and 2 degrees warming in Ethiopia since 1881.

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (v4): Global Maps

This graph shows all of the GHCN V4  data for Ethiopia. It is an incoherent mess which shows a cooling trend. How did NASA and NOAA create their fake map?

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What Did They Do Wrong?

I have developed new software to analyze the global temperature record. The party is over for blade of the hockey stick fraud.

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Record Arctic Sea Ice Growth

Arctic sea ice is growing at a record rate and is close to the median extent since 1979.

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