LONDON, January 3.—The winter heat wave continues in London with the temperature early this morning only four degrees below that of June. Roses are blooming in Wales, daffodils in the south of England, and spring flowers are plentiful in parts of Scotland, usually snow covered at this time of the year. Even on high hills there is not a speck of snow.”

Friday 4 January 1935


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SCIENTISTS PREDICT: Another Ice Age Is On The Way”

“SCIENTISTS PREDICT: Another Ice Age Is On The Way

Two leaders In their field say the enormous glacier that buried half the world 11,000 years ago is due back and present a startling theory to prove it”

March 30, 1958

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, March 30, 1958, Page 10, Image 114 « Chronicling America « Library of Congress

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Making Bad Data Worse

A look at how US government agencies poison the global temperature record with scientifically unusable data.

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Erasing Australia

Australia’s past was extremely hot, but the invenient temperatures before 1910 have been hidden by the Bureau of Meteorology – using the thinnest of excuses.

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Erasing The Record Heat In Australia

BOM has erased the record heat of Australia’s past, using the excuse that the thermometers weren’t shaded properly – but that claim isn’t supported by the historical record.

“Some of the highest country readings are given below. It will be seen that the North-western district had the worst of if—Mildura, 123deg.; Swan Hill, 118deg.; Donald, 117deg.; Beulah, 116deg.; Pyramid Hill and Hopetoun, 115deg.; and Charlton, 114deg.,

“Mildura, 123 deg., on January 5, 1906,” is now the highest shade reading that an official Victorian ther-mometer has ever registered. Previously the record was “Mildura 121½ deg., on January 30, 1904.” The record of 123 deg., at Mildura was notified to the Observatory; “The Argus” correspondent notified 122½ deg.

Officers at the Observatory rely on the records reported to them. The thermometers are supplied from the Observatory, and are reliable instruments, and the screens and other devices by means of which the “shade” is produced are the same as those in use at the Observatory itself.”

06 Jan 1906 – THE HOT WEATHER. – Trove

BOM 1995:


BOM 2024:

Climate extremes and records, Bureau of Meteorology

CSIRO used to know about the heat of the past.


But everything before 1910 has been erased.

Australian climate variability & change – Time series graphs

BOM uses thermometers next to twenty lanes of asphalt, but rejects well sited thermometers from the past.

Temperature hits all-time record in Sydney

11 Jan 1939 – HOTTEST DAY ON RECORD IN THREE CAPITALS Seven Deaths: Many People Collapse – Trove

Three days later (Black Friday) Melbourne surpassed that at 114 degrees.

ScreenHunter_1942 Jan. 17 14.59

14 Jan 1939 – ANOTHER DAY OF INTENSE HEAT Mercury Rises to 113…

ScreenHunter_1884 Jan. 16 13.2013 Jan 1950 – Memories of Black Friday, 1939 THIS IS FRIDAY 13th

19 Aug 1940 – KOALAS FACE EXTINCTION – Trove

p1 – 14 Jan 1939 – The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 – 1954) – Trove


The 1896 heatwave in Australia was the hotetst on record, and killed huge numbers of kangaroos, dingoes, rabbits and birds. Once again, BOM seems to believe that these animals were victims of improperly situated thermometers.

TimesMachine: August 18, 1896

Night time temperatures were extremely hot too. Apparently BOM believes these were due to thermometers in the sun at midnight.

23 Jan 1896 – THE HEAT WAVE. – Trove

09 Jan 1896, Page 5 – The Sydney Morning Herald at Newspapers.com

24 Jan 1896, Page 5 – The Sydney Morning Herald at Newspapers.com


14 Jan 1878 – Great Heat in the Interior. – Trove

Minnesota had their warmest winter on record in 1878.

19 Mar 1878, Page 2 – Star Tribune at Newspapers.com

ScreenHunter_1369 Oct. 10 20.20


he worldwide drought and record heat of 1876-1878 killed fifty million people.

A freak 1870s climate event caused drought across three continents | New Scientist

Late Victorian Holocausts: El Niño Famines and the Making of the Third World , Davis, Mike – Amazon.com

14 Jan 1878 – Great Heat in the Interior. – Trove

31 Dec 1904 – A HEAT WAVE. – Trove

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Change In Sea Ice

After six years of rapid global sea ice loss during the last two months of the year, last year’s loss was second lowest on record, after 2014.


Growth of Arctic sea ice during December was second highest on record.

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Scientific Priorities

The climate of Boulder, Colorado hasn’t changed for at least 70 years, but the University of Colorado was awarded almost one million dollars to study the effects of climate change on prairie dogs.


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Protecting Prairie Dogs

“Researchers from the University of Colorado and Kansas State University have been awarded a grant for more than $850,000 to study the impacts of climate change on prairie dogs in the Boulder area.”

CU to study impact of climate change on Boulder prairie dogs – Boulder Daily Camera

There hasn’t been any climate change in the Boulder area.  What is it that they were studying?



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Hottest Year Ever

Sea ice extent in both hemispheres is higher than it was in 2005.

Index of /NOAA/G02135/

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“remain always a child”

Climate superstitions are nothing new, and are based on a lack of knowledge of both science and history

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