Data Tampering In Iceland

Various version of GISS Reykjavik temperatures I have collected over the years.

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (v4)

The person in charge at the Icelandic Met Office said in 2012 : The GHCN “corrections” are grossly in error in the case of Reykjavik.

From: Trausti Jónsson

To: paul homewood

Cc: Halldór Björnsson

Sent: Monday, 23 January 2012, 17:40

Subject: Re: monthly temperatures

Hi Paul.We have sent a questions to the GHCN database regarding this and they will look into the problem. Regarding your questions:

a) Were the Iceland Met Office aware that these adjustments are being made?No we were not aware of this.

b) Has the Met Office been advised of the reasons for them?No, but we are asking for the reasons

c) Does the Met Office accept that their own temperature data is in error, and that the corrections applied byGHCN are both valid and of the correct value? If so, why?

The GHCN “corrections” are grossly in error in the case of Reykjavik but not quite as bad for the other stations. But we will have a better look. We do not accept these “corrections”.

d) Does the Met Office intend to modify their own temperature records in line with GHCN?No.

No changes have been made in the Stykkisholmur series since about 1970, the Reykjavík and Akureyri series that I sent you have been slightly adjusted for major relocations and changes in observing hours. Because of the observing hour changes, values that where published before 1924 in Reykjavík and before 1928 in Akureyri  are not compatible with the later calculation practices. For other stations in Iceland values published before 1956 are incompatible with later values except at stations that observed 8 times per day (but the differences are usually small). The linked paper outlines these problems (in English):

The monthly publication Vedrattan 1924 to 1997 (in Icelandic) is available at:

and earlier data (in Icelandic and Danish – with a summary in French) at:

Monthly data from all stations from 1961 onwards :

Best wishes,

Trausti J.

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John Kerry : “humanity is inexorably threatened by humanity itself.”

Third Reich level propaganda from the Biden Administration

“The Common Enemy or Humanity Is Man

In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which demands the solidarity of all peoples. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.”

Club of Rome 1991

The First Global Revolution A Report By The Council Of The Club Of Rome Alexander King, Bertrand Schneider Random House, Inc. Pantheon Books ( 1991)

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Rice Is Destroying The Climate

“The global food system, and the agriculture industry that supports it, could cause as much global warming as all human activity has caused since the Industrial Revolution, new research finds.

After ruminant meat, rice is the food item responsible for the most global warming. Flooded rice paddies are a breeding ground for methane-producing microbes.”

The food we eat is destroying the climate — here’s how to fix it – The Verge

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When Did The Glaciers Form?

Glaciers don’t lie, but climate academics do.

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Extraordinary Evidence

Carl Sagan said “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” But unfortunately he didn’t listen to his own advice when talking about climate.

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Climate Forecasting

NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center predicted a warm, dry 2022-2023 winter for Arizona, and instead they had record snow.

Climate Prediction Center – Seasonal Outlook

The Grand Canyon’s North Rim Reopening Delayed Due to ‘Record-setting Snow’

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Highest December 24 Arctic Sea Extent In Twenty Years

Christmas Eve Arctic sea ice extent was the highest of Greta’s lifetime.

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Scientific American : Retreat Of Glaciers 1904

“Observations of the Alpine glaciers during a series of years have supplied proof that these great ice streams ave long been in process of recession. Similar evidence with regard to the Greenland glaciers has not been collected over a wile area. though Dr. M. C. Engell, of Copenhagen, who visited the Jakobshavn glacier last summer, has made a collection of facts which seems to show conclusively that the glaciers of Greenland are also receding. Dr. Engell selected the Jakobshavn glacier for his studies because it is the only glacier of Greenland which has been observed by white visitors for a long period of time, At least nine visitors, several of them men of science, have examined these glaciers within the past 53 years, They did not all record the location of its front so clearly that Dr Engell, in making his map, can be certain that he has correctly assigned the position of its face at the time each man saw it, but there seems to be little doubt that his map of the retreat of the Jakobshavn glacier just published In Petermann’s Mitteilungen i approximately correct, Among the visitors to the glacier whose observations are shown on Dr, Engell’s may were Rink, Nordenskjold, and other well known Arctic students. The map shows approximately the position of the front of the great glacier In 1850, 1875, 1879; March, 1460: August, 1880; February, 1893; August. 1893, and 1902.
The information given on the map indicates that in the past fifty-three years the face of the glacier has retreated about eight miles. Not only ts it shorter than it formerly was, but its mass has otherwise been reduced to a very considerable extent. The surface of the glacier now lies from 20 to 30 feet below its former level and the precipitous walls of rock that hem it in bear the record of this change of level. It ts found also that the other glaciers in that neighborhood are in process of retreat. and the evidence collected by Dr. Engell shows that this process has been going on for a long period of years This evidence would seem to show that for the past half century the summer heat has been greater than it was for a considerable period before that time, with the result that on the whole the ice of south Greenland has beer melting a little more rapidly than It has formed.”

Scientific American – Google Books

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Ten Years Of The Ice-Free Arctic

“The truth is that the threat we face is not an abstract concern for the future. It is already upon us and its effects are being felt worldwide, right now. Scientists project that the Arctic will be ice-free in the summer of 2013. Not in 2050, but four years from now.”

  • John Kerry 2009

We Can’t Ignore the Security Threat from Climate Change | HuffPost Impact

There has been no trend in the Arctic sea ice minimum over the last 16 years.

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Adults Know What Snow Is

Heavy snow coming to Britain almost 24 years after the end of snow in Britain.

“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said.”

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past – Environment – The Independent

Those children are grown up now.

Weather Map and Snow Conditions for United Kingdom

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