“multi-meter sea level rise this century”

In 2011, NASA’s James Hansen predicted “multi-meter sea level rise this century.


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100% Renewable By 2040

Five years ago the Colorado governor said the state would be 100% renewable energy by 2040.

They are up to 7%.

U.S. Energy Information Administration – EIA – Independent Statistics and Analysis

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Academics Want Power

“The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.

Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”

  • President Eisenhower  January 17, 1961

Academics who know nothing about delivering energy want to control energy policy.

“We need power to prescribe climate policy, IPCC scientists say”

We need power to prescribe climate policy, IPCC scientists say | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) | The Guardian

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8C UHI In New York

“NEW YORK CITY’S HEAT ISLAND. Surface air temperatures elevated by at least 1°C have been observed in New York City for more than a century (Rosenthal et al. 2003; Gaffin et al. 2008), and the heat island signal, measured as the difference between the urban core and the surrounding rural surface air temperature readings taken at National Weather Service (NWS) stations, averages ~4°C on summer nights (Kirkpatrick and Shulman 1987; Gedzelman et al. 2003; Gaffin et al. 2008). The greatest temperature differences typically are sustained between midnight and 0500 Eastern Standard Time (EST; Gaffin et al.
Surface air temperature data from weather stations both in and around New York City were mapped to show the heat island at 0600 EST 14 August 2002, the early morning of what would become one of the
hottest heat-wave days that summer (Fig. 1). Within the city, the three NWS stations are located in Central Park, and at LaGuardia and John F. Kennedy airports. To improve coverage of New York City, data were
obtained from the WeatherBug network of automated private stations (AWS; online at www.aws. com/aws_2005/default.asp).4 Surface air temperature readings from these stations show that the city was several degrees warmer than the suburbs, and up to 8°C warmer than rural areas within 100 km of the city, with conditions that had been sustained
throughout the previous night.”


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“Four successive years of extreme drought”

“MOUNTAINOUS columns of powdered soil again smothered Kansas, Oklahoma, and Colorado, burying wheat fields, pastures, fences and farm machinery. At first there were 12 consecutive days of howling gales and blinding dust, and then a lull for three days, but to-

day a new storm blanketed the area, which has not yet recovered from the former desolation, when ten people lost their lives and property damages ran into millions of dollars. A ROARING MENACE The phenomenon has become a roaring menace to residents’ existence, and is rapidly erasing the slight means of subsistence they had salvaged from four successive years of extreme drought.”

28 Mar 1935 – DUSTSTORMS UNABATED – Trove

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Collapsing Scam

“OPEC Leader Tells Members to Block Any Climate Summit Deal to Curb Fossil Fuels
In a letter, the secretary general of the oil cartel called on countries in the group to “reject any text or formula that targets energy.”

OPEC Leader Tells Members to Block Any Climate Summit Deal to Curb Fossil Fuels – The New York Times

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Fake Data In The Congo

NOAA showed record heat in the Congo during August 2023 – but they didn’t have any thermometer data.

9:04 AM · Sep 14, 2023

202308.png (990×765)

NOAA Updates its Global Surface Temperature Dataset | News | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

This claimed data is completely fake.  It doesn’t exist.

Global Mapping | Climate at a Glance | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

Global Time Series | Climate at a Glance | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

CRUTEM5 shows records beginning in 1941

Temperature data (HadCRUT, CRUTEM,, HadCRUT5, CRUTEM5) Climatic Research Unit global temperature

“International Team of Specialists Finds No End in Sight to 30?Year Cooling Trend in Northern Hemisphere

Data from the Southern Hemisphere, particularly south of latitude 30 south, are so meager that reliable conclusions are not possible, the report says.”

International Team of Specialists Finds No End in Sight to 30?Year Cooling Trend in Northern Hemisphere – The New York Times

The NASA GHCN selector shows that there was no GHCN data at that location in August 2023.

2°30’00.0″S 22°30’00.0″E – Google Maps

This was the only station with data in the Congo

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (v4)

The data they have is from next to an airport runway in a large urban area

4°23’09.6″S 15°26’42.0″E – Google Maps

NASA claims that there were a number of GHCN stations around the Congo which had data from 1936, but most of the claimed data doesn’t exist.

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (v4): Station Data

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (v4)

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (v4)

Continue reading

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“killer heat waves”

In 2006 the Associated Press predicted a large increase in severe heatwaves. In this video I look at the accuracy of their article.


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“COP28 is now on the verge of complete failure.”

“COP28 is now on the verge of complete failure.”

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Making The Data Better

Ten years ago, the BBC reported that the global warming hiatus was central to the IPCC report.  Since then it has been completely erased.

Global warming pause ‘central’ to IPCC climate report – BBC News

Climate Change: Global Temperature | NOAA Climate.gov

NOAA erased the global warming pause by changing the data to make it better.

“The climate change hiatus was more of a suspected “slowdown, not a disappearance of global warming,” as the world’s oceans were still warming, but at a lesser rate than previously predicted, according to Climate Central. However, many scientists acknowledged the slowdown, which allegedly took place from 1998 to 2012. Climate change doubters also took note, and used the slowdown as evidence that climate change was a hoax, the researchers of the new study said.

But in 2015, NOAA published an analysis showing that the slowdown wasn’t real, and was the result of measurement errors. The modern buoys that measure ocean temperatures tend to report slightly cooler temperatures than older ship-based systems, even when measuring the same part of the ocean, the NOAA researchers found.”

Forget About Global Warming Pause — It Doesn’t Exist | Live Science

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