Greta Protesting In Paris

Greta is protesting today in France, where CO2 emissions have been declining for 40 years and are less than 3% of Chinese emissions. I can’t find any news stories about Greta protesting in China.

2:11 AM · Jun 23, 2023

Annual CO? emissions

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1923 – Earth Drying Up

One hundred years ago scientists said the earth was drying up, and the only way we could save ourselves was by building massive irrigation canals like the Martians did.

Water is such a universal necessity and for most of us so easily obtained, that it is hard to imagine a time when our supply of moisture will fail us entirely, choking off all forms of life in the world and leaving the earth’s surface a parched, burning waste of desert sands. Yet (says the “San Francisco Chronicle”), many eminent scientists are convinced that in no far distant age humanity must face exactly this dreadful catastrophe. They believe that the world’s supply of water is steadily growing less, and that as a result the most fertile of our garden spots are slowly but surely being transformed into uninhabitable deserts. This earth of ours, they warn us, is drying up, and within a comparatively few centuries the human race may expect to be menaced with death from thirst and for lack of the food which the withered crust of the globe will no longer produce. Must Irrigate Like Mars. Colonel H. de Haig is one of the scientists who make these gloomy predictions, and the reasons on which he bases them seem to be quite incontrovertible. According to him, our hope of escaping the water-less day that threatens us lies in establishing some such world-wide system of irrigation as Professors Schiapparelli, Lowell, and Pickering think has been in use for some time on Mars. Mars, our nearest planetary neighbor, is believed to have reached the dried-up stage long ago and to have been suffering for many centuries from lack of water. Yet there are abundant evidences of life there, and it is thought this life is made possible only through the use of an irrigation system more ingenious and more extensive than any we of the earth have ever dreamed of.

10 Jul 1923 – IS THE EARTH DRYING UP ? – Trove

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A World Without Humans

Five years ago United Nations climate spokesperson Greta Thunberg predicted the end of the human race in five years due to global warming. Kirye, Toto, Toki and Sakura explored the human-free world this morning.

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Climate Magic During The 1990s

Al Gore became Vice-president in 1993, and Earth’s climate history was magically rewritten.


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“Unsinkable Titanic”

In 1912, the editor of Scientific American said it was possible to build an Unsinkable Titanic

10 Aug 1912, 7 – The Boston Globe at

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1917 Heatwave Caused By “sins of the people”

“Throughout Germany, according to reports here, all valuable grain crops &4re burning up as they did in 1915 in an unprecedented heat wave, The prolonged drought has not been broken since early in May. Berlin on Sunday experienced the hottest June 17 on record in the 70 years’ experience of the weather bureau, Tropical temperatures were also reported everywhere west of the Oder river.

The Sunday sermon writer in the Berlin Kreuz Zeitung who recently indulged in a startling blending of religion and politics declared on Sunday that the drought was sent as a punishment for the sins of the people for listening to the editors of irreligious newspapers and asked how long it would be before this divine chastisement would bring the people to a sense of their iniquities”

19 Jun 1917, Page 1 – Argus-Leader at

h/t Don Penim.

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Carbon Dioxide Targeting The Disadvantaged

“UCS also finds that more than 51 million people in the US were facing extreme weather alerts on Wednesday, with about a third of them living in areas designated as disadvantaged by the federal government.”

Half of Americans have faced ‘extreme’ weather in the last six weeks | US weather | The Guardian

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Oil Company Decides To Sell Oil

Shell is committed to “net-zero” but apparently prefers to make money off a real product.

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“exactly what carbon emissions look like”

NASA has determined that CO2 is an opaque, yellow gas.

Startling NASA videos show carbon emissions — from space

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Climate Fakery Part 3

Two of the common techniques used by the press to misinform the public about climate, are using children for propaganda, and lying about an imaginary consensus of “dangerous warming.”

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