“under the Intermediate Scenario”

NOAA has launched a new sea level website

In New York, under the Intermediate Scenario, sea level is expected to rise 11 inches from 2020 to 2050.”


National Sea Level Explorer – U.S. Sea Level Change

Three years ago NOAA’s sea level scenarios were failing badly, so they moved to goalposts out twenty years and made some new baseless predictions.

Wayback Machine

Apparent sea level rise rates at Manhattan are less than 3mm/year, all of which is due to subsidence. At that rate sea level will rise 3.5 inches by 2050.

Sea Level Trends – NOAA Tides & Currents

From NYC to Miami, Major Cities Along the East Coast are Sinking – The New York Times

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“carbon emissions may have now peaked”

Atmospheric CO2 is growing at a record rate, Asia is building nearly 1,000 new coal fired power plants, and Michael Mann says “carbon emissions may have now peaked”

Global Monitoring Laboratory – Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases

Tracker Map – Global Energy Monitor

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Record Arctic Sea Ice Growth

Arctic sea ice area has been increasing at a record rate during the first three weeks of September.


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N_20240920_extn_v3.0.png (420×500)

If current trends continue, there will still be Arctic sea ice when Greta Thunberg is 500 years old.

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“4th Hottest Summer”

According to NOAA :

“Summer 2024 was the fourth-hottest summer on record for the U.S.

A very warm August wrapped up an extremely hot summer across the U.S., with many cities breaking all-time heat records.”

U.S. sweltered through its 4th-hottest summer on record | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Only four of 1,218 USHCN stations set their all-time record temperature this year.

Average maximum temperatures were 44th warmest.

Average mean temperatures were 20th warmest.

The percent of stations reaching 90F was 92nd highest.

The percent of days above 90F was 66th highest.

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Killing Joshua Trees To Save Them

Thousands of Joshua Trees are being killed to create room for solar panels, which experts say are needed to save the trees from climate change.

Solar project to destroy thousands of Joshua trees – Los Angeles Times

With Hotter, Drier Weather, California’s Joshua Trees Are in Trouble – Yale E360

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NASA Sea Level

When their sea level rise predictions were failing, US government agencies simply moved the goalposts, and made up fake data.

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“getting smaller”

“Petermann Glacier in Greenland is getting smaller, according to NASA and glaciologists, not larger, as claimed in social media posts saying that the glacier has defied news reports by growing three metres a day for the past 11 years.”

Fact Check: Greenland’s Petermann Glacier getting smaller, not growing | Reuters

Growth of the glacier has averaged 3.3 meters per day since 2012.

NASA Worldview

NASA Worldview

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“Permanent Shift” In Antarctic Sea Ice

Antarctic sea ice is close to the 1981-2010 median edge and growing, and extent is considerably larger than peak extent in 1966. But the press says it is an “extreme low” and “signals a permanent shift.

Sea Ice Index Daily and Monthly Image Viewer | National Snow and Ice Data Center


“in August 1966 the maximum sea ice extent fell to 15.9×10 km ± 0.3×10 km .”


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Rapidly Accelerating Sea Level Rise

NASA shows that sea level rose at a rate of 0.9 mm/year from 1950 to 1995, and then accelerated to 3.3 mm/year from 1995 to 2018, but I can’t find any tide gauges which reflect that change.

Sea Level | Vital Signs – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

Projections of accelerating sea level rise from NOAA were failing badly, so NOAA quietly changed their projections to push the divergence date from 2000 out to 2030.

Sea Level Trends – NOAA Tides & Currents

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Technology Advances

Technology is starting to catch up with Stanley Kubrick’s vision in 1968.

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