110 Years Ago – This Week

The 1990 Galveston Hurricane was the deadliest natural disaster to ever strike the US. It came on shore September 8, 1900 and killed somewhere between 6,000 and 12,000 people.


The storm surge was 15 feet high, which flooded the entire island. They have since built a seawall.

Adjusted to 2005 US Dollars, it was the second costliest Atlantic Hurricane.


Atmospheric CO2 was 296 ppm at the time.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to 110 Years Ago – This Week

  1. I have always wondered why citizens of the U.S.A. do not build solid brick/cement/concrete houses based on steel piles in the hurricane state and counties? Are they more expensive than wooden houses? How much? Is it cheaper to pay insurance year after year than spent a few bucks more on something able to withstand the strong(est) hurricanes and medium hight waves?


    • Amino says:

      I have wondered why houses in general are all not built from brick or cement. I suppose wood was cheaper. But trying to cut costs can be expensive.

  2. PJB says:

    This is why model development (and its correct manipulation and interpretation) is critical to forecasts as well as mitigation.

    They build matchstick houses because destruction is localized. Looking at the % of Florida that is devastated by hurricanes….it is a fairly low percentage of total inhabited lands. This is going to increase in the future as population goes up and these areas become more desirable for an aging population.

    Mitigation is costly and impractical. Preparation is not and as long as several days warning is available, it suffices. The models can help with the predictions of track and intensity.

  3. Amino says:


    “The 1990 Galveston Hurricane”


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