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Daily Archives: September 27, 2010
Latent Heat Of Freezing?
http://arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/ Arctic ice continues to grow at a very fast rate, despite the fact that 2010 is the hottest year on record and the Arctic is the fastest warming place on earth.
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Aliens Against Nuclear Proliferation
Now if we can just get them to solve global climate disruption, the world will be perfect. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/ufo/8026971/Aliens-have-deactivated-British-and-US-nuclear-missiles-say-US-military-pilots.html
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US Thermometer Readings Show Cooling Since 1895 – Before Adjustments
GISS US temperature data is based on the USHCN2 historical network, which adjusts recent thermometer readings upwards by a substantial amount before releasing the data to the public. The before/after blink comparator above shows that before adjustments, most of the … Continue reading
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Effective Political Advertising
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Arctic Forecast Verification
One of the readers yesterday asked how my forecast did compared with PIOMAS, which forecast a new record low of 3.7 million km².
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Why Is Lake Superior So Cold?
Lake Superior Contains 10% of all of the Earth’s (non-frozen) freshwater. It is the largest freshwater lake on the planet, and is only 10,000 years old. Average summer temperature there is only 40ºF. How did it form, and why is … Continue reading
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Hottest Year Ever : Arctic Ice Growth Continues At A Record Pace
http://ocean.dmi.dk/arctic/icecover.uk.php It is now 35% higher than 2007 and back to 2009/2005 levels.
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More Climate Comedy From NASA
A 2007 article from NASA contains this remarkable statement : “the amount of snow that has melted this year over Greenland is the equivalent of more than twice the surface size of the U.S.” Given that Greenland is much smaller … Continue reading
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