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Daily Archives: September 30, 2010
Guardian Readers Who Think A Movie About Killing Schoolchildren Is Funny
Check out these comments : Lots more where these came from. If they liked the 10:10 film, they will probably love these real-life school massacre flicks :
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Threatening Children With Violent Death
Global warmers are now promoting the idea that children who don’t reduce their carbon footprint should be murdered by their school teachers. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UHN3zHoYA0] These people are complete scum. At least the witch burners in Salem usually killed adults. Which members … Continue reading
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The Grapes Of Romm
One 1930s record which USHCN can’t adjust downwards, is Steinbeck’s 1939 novel The Grapes of Wrath. The story centered around people surviving the extreme heat, drought and hardships of the 1930s. Dr. Hansen wrote in 1999 Empirical evidence does not … Continue reading
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Pakistan – “Worst Flooding In Centuries”
1974 – Same story, different crisis when meteorologists take an average of temperatures around the globe they find that the atmosphere has been growing gradually cooler for the past three decades. The trend shows no indication of reversing. Climatological Cassandras … Continue reading
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Vindicating Barry Bonds
Mr. Bonds has been accused using performance enhancing drugs, yet the data clearly shows that there is a better explanation. When CO2 levels were low in the year 1876, the most home runs anyone could come up with in a … Continue reading
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Understanding The Arctic Minimum
The PIPS video below makes it easy to understand the behaviour of Arctic ice during September. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLPN3knzPBE] During the first three weeks of September, southerly winds blew the ice towards the pole. This compacted and melted the thinner ice, leaving … Continue reading
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Arctic Ice Nearly Back To 2006 Levels
Blink comparator above, showing US Navy PIPS ice – September 30, 2006 vs today. As you can see, the extent and thickness of Arctic ice is similar today to what it was four years ago – before Dr. Hansen declared … Continue reading
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What If The US Cut CO2 Emissions by 50%?
Humans generate 3% of the earth’s annual CO2 emissions. Of that 3%, the US generates about 20%. So if we cut US CO2 emissions by 50%, the total reduction in emissions would be : 0.03 X 0.2 X 0.5 = … Continue reading
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Washington Post Poll
http://voices.washingtonpost.com/ Despite the largest government propaganda campaign since the fall of the Soviet Union, most people still think global climate/warming/weirding/disruption is a don’t care. Fortunately, the Internet has allowed many people to bypass the useful idiots in the press this … Continue reading
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NASA At The Halfway Mark
In a fine propaganda piece specifically directed at young impressionable minds, NASA released the forecast above – which predicts regions near Antarctica warming up 10ºC from 1960-2060. We are at the halfway point now in 2010. Let’s see how they … Continue reading
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