The Aztecs believed that droughts, famines and floods were the result of the gods being unhappy with them – and that by making between 20,000 and 80,000 human sacrifices per year, they could minimize the frequency of “extreme” weather events.
It was one of the first large scale attempts to geoengineer a solution to global climate disruption.
Certainly they reduced the population pressure on the scarcer resources caused by the inclement conditions.
As with other desperate societies, in similar situations, cannibalism was the next step.
We can expect the CAGW crowd to sacrifice their lesser members and then, hopefully, cannibalism will be the last form of tribalism that they exhibit.
The movie “Apocalypto” has a hideous scene of human sacrifice. I really wouldn’t recommend watching it with children. But the movie is worth seeing.
One would hope that we have progressed past this neolithic fantasy. Mind you, there is no doubt we are breeding ourselves to disaster, not of climate but of simply living.