Boxing Match in California

One of many big differences between the two candidates is their position on state Proposition 23. The measure on the November ballot would suspend Assembly Bill 32, also known as the Global Warming Solutions Act, which was signed by Gov. Schwarzenegger in 2006 and would bring California into compliance with the provisions of the Kyoto Protocol.

Fiorina described AB32 as “a job killer in the short term” because of the heavy regulations it imposes, but she refused to say how she would vote on Proposition 23. Instead, she said, “My focus is on a comprehensive national energy policy.”

Boxer said AB32 is a “crucial bill” and that if it is suspended, China and other countries will take the lead in solar energy and other clean  energy programs.

I get it now. Passing oppressive tax laws will create jobs.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Boxing Match in California

  1. Jon P says:

    Fiorina’s best moment was the response to Boxer’s answer about farm subsidies. She nailed her to the wall about keeping water out of the central valley.

    Overall Fiorina did just OK. Boxer sounded like an old incumbent. Unfortunately Boxer will likely win. That’s a shame as Boxer is an “insta-liberal” a pile uf powder that you add water and get a mindless drone that will do what leadershp wants.

  2. PhilJourdan says:

    Have to go along with Jon P, I think Boxer will win. But I also know that her victory will come on the coast alone as the valleys hate her. (But then they only have about 10% of the population too).

    Fiorina should stop trying to not lose and start trying to win. If she did, she just might pull off an upset. But on this bill, there is no win there. Meg and Jerry will decide the fate of that, not Carly and Babs.

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