Ice concentrations are getting very high – as the open water freezes up. The blink comparator below shows changes in concentration over the last week.
Temperatures are getting cold :
09/20/1800Z 83.575°N 3.497°E -16.2°C 1010.8mb 09/20/1700Z 83.577°N 3.494°E -16.1°C 1011.5mb 09/20/1300Z 83.582°N 3.478°E -15.2°C 1010.1mb 09/20/1200Z 83.584°N 3.469°E -14.9°C 1009.6mb 09/20/1100Z 83.585°N 3.459°E -15.7°C 1009.3mb 09/20/1000Z 83.586°N 3.447°E -16.6°C 1009.5mb 09/20/0900Z 83.588°N 3.437°E -17.1°C 1009.1mb 09/20/0800Z 83.589°N 3.428°E -17.6°C 1008.8mb 09/20/0300Z 83.603°N 3.431°E -20.1°C 1007.0mb 09/20/0200Z 83.608°N 3.432°E -21.9°C 1007.3mb 09/20/0100Z 83.613°N 3.429°E -19.5°C 1008.0mb 09/20/0000Z 83.618°N 3.420°E -17.5°C 1009.2mb 09/19/2300Z 83.623°N 3.409°E -15.0°C 1009.7mb
The sun is setting at the pole, and satellites are rapidly losing visibility. The pole hole now extends almost to 85N.
The NOAA web cam‘ is looking frozen and almost dark.
Hopefully Santa doesn’t suffer from Seasonal Affected Disorder (SAD.)