June 2007

2007 was the summer of the record low ice extent. It also was the summer of …


Christians in Gaza Fear for Their Lives as Muslims Burn Bibles and Destroy Crosses
Published June 18, 2007 by:
Kimberly West

After defeating their rivals in Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah movement, (Hamas is) focusing their attacks on Christians in Gaza City. Christians in Gaza City have issued an appeal to the
international community and a plea for protection against the increased attacks.

Father Manuel Musallem, head of Gaza’s Latin church, told the AP that Muslims have ransacked, burned and looted a school and convent that are part of the Gaza Strip’s small Romany Catholic community. He told the AP that crosses were broken, damage was done to a statue of Jesus, and at the Rosary Sister School and nearby convent, prayer books were burned.

Gunmen used the roof of the school during the fighting, and the convent was “desecrated,” Mussalem told the AP.

“Nothing happens by mistake these days,” he said.

Father Musalam additionally told The Jerusalem Post that the Muslim gunmen used rocket-propeled grenades (RPGs) to blow through the doors of the church and school, before burning Bibles and destroying every cross they could get their hands on.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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