“Mr. McKibben said the planet is heating up faster than scientists had predicted.”

Having spent his career writing and reporting about climate change, Mr. McKibben said the planet is heating up faster than scientists had predicted.


When you have made a career out of reporting on climate change, sometimes you just have to make stuff up. The planet is actually heating up much slower than scientists predicted.

John Christy’s overlay of actual (blue) vs. Hansen’s predicted temperatures (red)

McKibben : “That’s ….  why an iceberg four times the size of Manhattan broke off near Greenland into the ocean

The iceberg had nothing to do with climate change. Professor Muenchow
(who made the “Manhattan” comparison famous) actually said

“Even a big piece like this over 50 years is not that significant.  It’s just the normal rate,” he said. Muenchow warns people not to jump to conclusions. “An event like this, this specific event, all flags go immediately up, ‘Oh, let’s explain this by global warming.’ I cannot support that,” he said.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to “Mr. McKibben said the planet is heating up faster than scientists had predicted.”

  1. Amino says:

    The planet is actually heating up much slower than scientists predicted.

    GISS is doing something about that.

  2. Sundance says:

    Bull McFibben’s 350 mushrooms are nourished by BS and he needs the 350 mushrooms to validate his life.

  3. Pingback: Leading EnviroNut Says We Are All Doomed…Doomed I Say!

  4. Leon Brozyna says:

    Another hyperbolic writer with a full shovel.

  5. MikeA says:

    Nice one, this is the adjusting the Lower Tropopause temperature by the lapse rate trick. Nice to see a comparatively fresh diagram too! Keep up the good work!

  6. dLunday says:

    Kind of like they say “Weather Isn’t Climate Change” when things cool down. Then when an iceberg breaks off, it is.

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