Three people in a unique Pacific Island community face the first devastating effects of climate change, including a terrifying flood. Will they decide to stay with their island home or move to a new and unfamiliar land, leaving their culture and language behind forever?
If you happen to live in Hamburg, On October 1 you can be the first to see this important new movie – showing the direct effects of our evil western lifestyle.
No doubt they will also show this graph, and carefully explain that sea level has risen 400 feet over the last 20,000 years. I’m sure they will explain that sea level rise is slow and steady, and has been for the last few thousand years. I’m sure they will explain that 3 mm/year is not exactly a flash flood.
And no doubt they will explain that the current rate of sea level rise is much slower than the average rate over the last 20,000 years. Certainly they will discuss this 9,000 year old city off the coast of India which is submerged under 120 feet of water.
I keep wondering if the anti-engineering community is just blindingly ignorant, or if they are intentionally being dishonest about what we know.
Looks like an upside-down and reversed hockey stick.
I’ve moved at least 20 times in my adult life, changing homes, livelihood, friends, everything. And I’ve done it when dead broke on a few occasions. It’s not a big deal….. …for grown ups.
Most of The Netherlands are below sea level, and they made it to the World Cup final.