Thing Of The Past : Europe Snow Forecast

I don’t think I have ever seen a forecast like this before. Heavy snow across almost all of Europe, including half of Spain and Portugal. The UK and France are expected to be nearly covered from one end to the other.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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20 Responses to Thing Of The Past : Europe Snow Forecast

  1. Scarlet Pumpernickel says: here’s one to make you laugh, a “new model” for “shrinking ice sheets”, wow is Antractica shrinking, which the sea water is shrinking into the ice?

  2. Scott says:

    Northern hemisphere snow cover just recently went back to a positive anomaly.

    If this snow hits as hard as forecasted, it’ll be interesting if we see a big jump up…


  3. peterhodges says:

    it’s snowing in seattle. in november. their forecast low is 5f. that is rare for dec/jan, pretty much unheard of in nov.

    here in the eastern sierra we have record snow for this time of year and a forecast low of -15f for nearby communities. in california. in november.

  4. Anything is possible says:

    No snow will fall in Europe :

    Dr Hansen will adjust the temperatures up by 5C so it all falls as rain. (:-

  5. sunsettommy says:

    I got about 10″ of global warming in the last 36 hours.That is about 95% of the average for the entire winter!

    It is rare in my area to even have snow stay on the ground at all in November.The average high is 49 and the low 32 at this date.

    Yeah the hottest year on record is very evident.Snicker…..

  6. Nobama says:

    The trolls aren’t here yet, so I’ll fill in for them.

    “It is soooo Hot Hot Hot that the atmosphere is very humid. This causes severe blizzards, in keeping with one of the zillion warming narratives. Don’t ask me what will keep us HOT now that this moisture is on the ground, but I assure you, THE SCIENCE explains it. It explains everything.”

  7. AndyW says:

    That map is a load of bollocks, no way is 10-25cm of snow going to fall in the south and south east of England the rest of this week and the weekend.

    Did they just make those figures up?

    I’ll take you some pictures of this 6-10 inches of supposed snow.


    • They are usually very accurate

      • AndyW says:

        Hmm, perhaps they have started drinking early this year for Christmas ! My guess is we will probably get a sprinking, say 1cm to 2cm and then all the trains will stop and people will say they can’t drive into work …


    • Paul H says:

      BBC is still not sure but is saying there is a danger of heavy snow in parts of the South East.

      The only issue in doubt is how much moist air will drift over the North Sea – at the moment it is very dry over most of the UK. There is absolutely no doubt at all that if it gets moist enough, it is cold enough to put down a lot of snow.

  8. Bruce says:

    Keep an eye on Modis, if you can get an all-Britain-snowed sat pic like last year it would bookend a great 2010 warmest year ever post.

    Met Office wore a snow-pie in the face for last year’s forecasting, did they forecast the same this year?

  9. STEPHEN PARKERuk says:

    Met office now withdrawing from its forecast of snow in s/east england

  10. Alan the Brit says:

    Bruce says:
    November 24, 2010 at 5:56 am
    Keep an eye on Modis, if you can get an all-Britain-snowed sat pic like last year it would bookend a great 2010 warmest year ever post.

    Met Office wore a snow-pie in the face for last year’s forecasting, did they forecast the same this year?

    Call me Mr Picky, but it was in fact this year that we were covered head to toe in global warming! I think you meant to say last winter which is more accurate:-)

  11. Andy Weiss says:

    If the last several runs of the ECMWF (European) model are even close to correct, there will be a ton of snow by next week, even in London. I know meteorologists are afraid to forecast rare events, but this looks like the real deal.

  12. Murray Duffin says:

    Scott says:
    November 24, 2010 at 1:05 am
    Northern hemisphere snow cover just recently went back to a positive anomaly.

    nOTE THE 10 YEAR CURVE. The minimum is getting lower as the maximum gets higher. WUWT??

  13. AndyW says:

    I remain unconvinced, though it would be nice, I do like to shirk from home.


  14. Gail C. - NC USA says:

    Mother Nature seems to have a sense of humor. I would LOVED to see lots of snow fouling up the Cancun airflights.

  15. Scott says:

    Overall, I’m pretty darn skeptical of forecasts, especially in the winter. The ones here in CO have been all screwy lately and change routinely. Last week, I watched the temperature online every half hour or so, and the highest it got to was 35 F. The forecast low for that day was 36 F, LOL. Going outside, I thought that 35 F was being generous on the warm side, but then again I’m not as tough as I used to be, so…


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