Global Warming To Spoil Thanksgiving Dinner

Turkey will taste bad because of warmer temperatures. That is why no one eats poultry in the south.

The best turkeys must come from the Arctic. Like the one below.

h/t to Marc Morano

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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20 Responses to Global Warming To Spoil Thanksgiving Dinner

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    The key is the repeated use of the word “could”. The tooth fairy “could” visit you tonight and leave a million dollars under your pillow!

  2. Sundance says:

    Actually bad tasting turkey and global warming theory share a common trait. They are both hard to swallow.

  3. Mike Davis says:

    I had to put up plastic to restrict the cold winds blowing through my chicken coop and would have to add heat lamps if I lived further north. as it is we will have to replace the water containers each morning it freezes and keep watch for eggs before they freeze.
    I think the author DKWTFSTA!

  4. Mike Davis says:

    NWS has changed its forecast each day since Monday and now we expect rain after midnight tomorrow night instead of during the day tomorrow. the forecast temperature is now above 60 rather than in the mid 40s and the drop is due Friday or Saturday.
    They tried to spoil plans for the day but Nature intervened.

  5. PandR says:

    I live on the Equator. Local poultry is just beautiful, particularly the turkey. So is the local fruit, vegis and so on. The article seems like uninformed guesswork, again. When I travel to the cold climates, food seems so bland by comparison.

  6. peterhodges says:

    steven you reminded me….i was on a fall climbing trip in the south. we we’re wandering alabama’s little river canyon trying to find the crag amidst the magical carpet of fall colors and were startled by a wild turkey making a run for it. to city guy like me at the time the little fuzzy blur across the forest floor sounded like a mack truck adn of course i ducked and covered to the amusement of the wife. i think my reaction made her jump, more than the rocketing turkey.

  7. Yarmy says:

    This proves beyond doubt that certain researchers in any discipline will connect whatever it is they are studying with climate change if it means they can grab a bit of funding.
    In my anecdotal experience, it’s articles like this that fuel the disdain for AGW among the general public, not any imagined big-oil disinformation propaganda. I’d like Jennifer Viegas to take part in a double-blind test to discern the difference between a globally-warmed turkey and a, er… conventional turkey.

  8. Paul H says:

    I suppose if the turkey has already been pre-warmed it won’t take as long to cook.

  9. Mike Davis says:

    I am going across the road to have a southern raised and grown Thanksgiving Dinner in a farm house that is over 100 years old that raised many children with the crops and animals that grew there.

  10. John Q. Galt says:

    “We wanted to bring this discussion closer to food scientists, so they could begin to deepen research aiming at understanding how the climate changes could affect the chemical, physical and microbiological properties of foods,” de Souza Sant’Ana explained to Discovery News.”


    I wonder if that special issue of Food Research International also featured papers on how best to raise funding for research projects.

  11. rw says:

    What is “animal welfare physiology”? (I followed the link.) This article sounds like a Monty Python skit.

  12. Lex says:

    LOL that was an awesome comment Steven, though I was born to be a veggie.

  13. Douglas DC says:

    Let’s see there are about 5 species of wild turkey. Including some in Mexico and
    I think that there isn’t any problem with them. There are transplanted Rio Grandes
    all over NE Oregon and they seem to be thriving-cold or warm…

  14. Mike Davis says:

    In my neck of the woods any wild turkey that becomes domesticated is referred to as a Rio Grande according to a couple of farmers that raise domestic turkeys. I was going to have my own but chickens are quite enough.

  15. Sue says:

    We southerners (Georgia) sho ‘nough eat poulty – Ever heard of ‘Southern Fried Chicken? We also like it grilled, roasted, and baked. Our Thanksgiving turkey was absolutely delicious!

  16. welder4 says:

    Who believes this crap any more I certainly don’t hear of any one any more . here is a news flash for all the idiots who think the sky is falling , Global warming is dead, it is over give it up you are looking very stupid . Of course some people are stupid, the ones who wrote this article has to have at least a 70 IQ . IT IS OVER GIVE UP ALREADY YOU ARE EMBARRASSING YOUR SELVES AND THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY , There you caused me to yell, are you happy now?

  17. welder4 says:

    This is welder4’s son posting. An important point is that any pollution other than purported “greenhouse gasses” like CO2 really are a problem, whether particulate matter, carbon monoxide, nitric oxides, or pollutants other than those produced by internal combustion engines. The reason they focus on CO2 is because they would have a hard time making trillions off of nitric oxide credits, mercury credits, etc., and they would impact the multi-billionaires’ industrial profits if they did go after the real problem pollutants.
    As usual, the “greens”, backed by the worst polluters in the world (Rockefellers’ Standard Oil and uranium mines, etc) try to force people into a false dichotomy, an either-or choice, where one either wants to shut all industry down and let everyone starve, or one wants to let industry do whatever they want. It doesn’t have to be one of those two choices. Pollution is a problem, just not in the manner they say.
    And don’t forget Monsanto’s genetic pollution from GMO crops, which the mainstream media and the environmentalists are silent about, and which really is causing a measurable damage of the environment.

  18. Steve says:

    Yea, a longer growing season would be terrible for agriculture.

    Global Warming is an incredibly intelligent evil! It knows to make deserts flood and turn farmland to dust! It also knows to bring brutal blizzards to winters that it turns colder. If you ask an intellectual like Joy Behar it even knows to bring earthquakes to everything else. Yes, Global Warming is an incredibly evil intelligence because under no circumstance would it improve anything other than greedy corporate profits!

    It’s a good thing Lefties don’t fearmonger otherwise this whole Global Warming thing could get a little over the top. 🙂

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