Hottest Year Ever : Coldest Autumn In At Least 20 Years

“In my 20 years as a forecaster I’ve not known this much cold weather so early. Usually we see this kind of weather in January or February.

h/t to Tom Nelson

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Hottest Year Ever : Coldest Autumn In At Least 20 Years

  1. AndyW says:

    Nothing yet in Kent 🙁


  2. Andy Weiss says:

    Where is Kent? I’m a dumb American and I can’t seem to find it on a map of England.

    In any event, the weather models show this pattern going on for quite some time, so sooner or later you will probably get something.

  3. peterhodges says:

    not just in the uk either.

    it was -4F here yesterday morning—previous record, 8F

    climatology – can’t find it but probably like 20F

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