At present, no one other than GISS claims 2010 is the hottest year ever. The Met Office has announced their intentions to “adjust” their data in order to make 2010 (possibly) #1, but it hasn’t happened yet.
The other half of the story is that the main reason temperatures were recorded high during January-April was because of the record low Arctic Oscillation. The same weather pattern which made much of the Northern Hemisphere very cold, also brought balmy -21C weather to the Canadian Arctic – as opposed to the normal -25C weather.
-21C isn’t “hot” by most people’s definitions.
Well in parts of the sub-arctic temperatures went from say an average of -10 to -2 meaning that the ice didn’t get thick enough and travel was extremely difficult (most communities in these regions travel by ski-doo) so yeah it can be a problem.
As a 49-year old native Houstonian who has lived here all my life (save 1983-1990 in Austin), that the weather pattern in 2010 has been, by a significant margin, the COOLEST YEAR in memory. The coldest winter and the mildest summer weather. Even the fall came earlier this year. I don’t give a damn what the IPCC says about it…
By repetitive conditioning, I, too, began to believe in Anthropogenic (Man-caused) Global Warming… UNTIL in 2007 I saw the light one day and realized:
1: Weather largely hasn’t changed in my lifetime, here or anywhere else I researched. It has gone through cycles, that’s it.
Remember how “Freon” was the cause, via ozone destruction (ozone supposedly blocked Ultra-Violet rays that would scorch the Earth and its’ inhabitants), until freon was replaced by “new non-ozone depleting refrigerants” that were patent-protected (the old freon patents had all expired) and the new equipment required to operate with new refrigerants. Every Company that manufactures refrigeration equipment and “freon recovery” equipment would naturally be in favor of any market force that enlarges their market.
3: Carbon is the most prevalent element of earth. Everything is made of or by Carbon, and we as humans do not create more carbon. Carbon simply changes forms and associations, and nature does this on a far greater scale than man does.
3: NUCLEAR WINTER Remember that threat? a nuclear war would create an Ice Age.
4: Realizing how much cleaner this Earth has become in my lifetime IN SPITE OF MAN’S purported “Destruction” of it.
5: Realizing that “Mother Earth” is millions of times more powerful than man’s influences on it. More trees and green plants thriving, more animal and human life than ever, and better health across all life forms.
The real clincher for me that “Global Warming Data” was skewed was when I read that most of the data was taken from the higher-populated areas. How much more skewed can that be? Anyone who has ever driven out of the city or even a small town for a few miles or more can tell that the heat of the city is easily felt or measured, but is local to the city itself.
Houston is ALWAYS +/- 5 degrees (or more) fahrenheit warmer than any area 30 miles North, West, or even East of Houston. 30 miles South of Houston is generally warmer in winter and cooler in Summer because of the close proximity of the coast…
Dallas, Austin, San Antonio produces similar results: the city is always warmer, due to the heat of industry, automobiles, and concrete (absorbing radiant heat from the sun).
I also travel all across the USA in my work, and my observations hold true everywhere I have been.