I’m not a doomsday person, but ….. At the rate we’re going and what we’re doing to it [Earth], I am fearful that we won’t leave much of a legacy for our children and grandchildren.
– Charlie Melancon (D-LA)
He got the second part half right. Melancon repeatedly voted to raise the debt placed on our children.
Instead of worrying about an invisible trace gas which is essential for life, how about stopping the direct measurable long term damage being inflicted by the current crop of lunatics in Washington?
It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world.
– Thomas Jefferson
SOP for Democrats!
Well to be fair, it is a common practice in politics. You need to divert attention from the real problems. Only take a definite position on an issue after you think it is resolved, but leave that position open for various interpretations. Use lots of “Weasel Words to sound knowledgeable.
Those himbos and bimbos in govt. are leaving a real impressive legacy all right for the under-thirty crowd that leaves the debt that is known seem like petty cash. It’s all those unfunded obligations that’ll turn out to be real killers. There’s social security, medicare, medicaid, and worst of all … pensions for all the government retirees. That’s one number that keeps on growing. How many families do you know where the kids were encouraged to get a government job for the security – no layoffs, lifetime employment, lifetime healthcare, and excellent pension benefits in addition to social security. Bill Clinton’s generation, the first of the baby boomers, is just coming into social security and is the tip of the govt pension iceberg. Things are just going to keep getting worse.
There was a time we had a return on investment from our taxes. Now it seems the more we pay in taxes the more the governments go into debt as they form committees to find ways to spend more money.
The Governor of New Jersey to stop construction on the tunnel. It should have been constructed by a private firm and future users should have paid for the construction through toll fees. Governments should get out of the transportation sector as the way they go about it is a money losing proposition.
My wordsmith program has some bugs in it. There should be the words “was right” and the statement should read the Governor of New Jersey was right to stop construction on the tunnel.