Many Tropical Islands Exist Because Of CO2

Reefs and atolls are made out of CaCO3. Without CO2, the wouldn’t exist. They continuously grow and gain mass because of CO2.

The main threat to these islands used to be scientists nuking them.



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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26 Responses to Many Tropical Islands Exist Because Of CO2

  1. ChrisD says:

    This would be interesting and concerning if anyone advocated removing CO2 from the atmosphere. But no one does.

    This would be interesting and concerning if these islands required the CO2 generated by human activities in order to exist. But they don’t.

    • So it isn’t interesting that atolls continuously grow over time, which is why they remain above sea level.. I get it.

      • ChrisD says:

        This is nothing that surprises anyone. It has been known for some time. It does not help Fort Lauderdale very much.

      • ChrisD says:

        Your implication is that these islands are not at risk because they will remain above sea level should it rise. Nothing’s going to raise Fort Lauderdale should that occur.

      • Mike Davis says:

        The problem in Ft Lauderdale is much more long term planning than sea level rise. Where the city meets the sea the construction has caused loss of vegetation to allow the beaches to erode along with not retaining sand that would normally wash ashore and be held there by the brush. All along the entire coast line in the US the same thing is evident. I am only pointing out the effect on this continent because of your answer. However the same is happening on most all of the inhabited islands around the globe.
        They blast channels through the reefs to improve shipping and allow for larger tourist boats to dock!
        They use beach sand for building material.
        They dredge sand and coral from around the perimeter of the island to use as building material.
        Over population causes excessive water draw that drains the natural fresh water lens.
        They promote tourism which is very environmentally destructive. ( Especially that by those that want to save the islands because the have to visit to see what they are saving and every step is a bit more erosion).
        Using dynamite for fishing.
        Over fishing the lagoons using drag nets.
        Over fishing the species needed for island growth, Those that grins the coral to make sand.
        Need I continue?
        Islands float on the surface of the ocean and rise /fall depending on sea level as long as humans do not interfere.
        The population on most Pacific islands should be reduced by 90%!

      • ChrisD says:

        “should that occur”

        Correct. Should it occur. And if it doesn’t, what is the point of this post? What is the point of “which is why they remain above sea level”?

        “Why, Officer, what, li’l ol’ me, speedin’? I just can’t imagine what you mean.” (flutter flutter)

      • ChrisD says:

        The problem in Ft Lauderdale is much more long term planning than sea level rise

        I’m sorry, Mike, but that is not relevant. Pick a beach with excellent long-term planning if you don’t like the one I picked.

        • I could get run over by a car every time I get on my bike, but I still ride. There are a billion things that can get you. Chances are it won’t be the one you worry about,

      • ChrisD says:

        Mike, let me add that I agree with pretty much everything you said. It just doesn’t speak to the particular issue at hand.

      • Mike Davis says:

        ChrisD;It has everything to do with the loss of beach front property all over the globe. It is a problem , whereas sea level rise has NOT been shown to be a problem anywhere but in some whacko’s nightmares that they want to push on the rest of humanity.
        There are no beaches on the globe unaffected by encroachment unless the region remains uninhabited. It is just human nature! The more advanced the civilization the more destructive because they want to do a make over of their surrounding to Improve the environment with negative results. According to historical records!

      • Jimash says:

        “Need I continue?
        Islands float on the surface of the ocean and rise /fall depending on sea level as long as humans do not interfere.”

        Seriously ?
        Must I add ? Neither Islands, nor coral atolls float.

      • Mike Davis says:

        Relative elevation of the islands fluctuate with the sea level. Which would give the long term appearance of floating on the surface. If the sea level drops the winds blow away the sand and if the sea levels rise the tides wash more sand ashore. The islands have existed through a few Glacial interglacial cycles and they are still there with coral reefs. That would include a temperature swing of about 6C in extreme conditions although on average the temperature is more stable than at higher latitudes.

      • ChrisD says:

        ChrisD;It has everything to do with the loss of beach front property all over the globe. It is a problem ,

        I understand and completely agree that it is a problem. But it is not the problem that is the obvious topic of this post (even though Steve tries to play coy about it).

      • Mike Davis says:

        I thought the point of the post was that Islands and reefs depend on calcium carbonate which is produced by CO2 interaction with water and calcium. The calcium carbonate is used to form the coral and shells that make the sand that forms the islands. If you lose the sand you lose the islands. With lower CO2 concentrations there would be reduced island building, even to a negative effect as the islands vanish below the waves because the wind and waves wash the sand away faster than it can form.

      • ChrisD says:

        with lower CO2 concentrations there would be reduced island building, even to a negative effect as the islands vanish below the waves because the wind and waves wash the sand away faster than it can form

        Mike, if that’s the point of the post, it’s just stupid. The islands did fine without our added CO2 for millions of years. Nobody’s even remotely suggested that we should reduce CO2 below the preindustrial level even if we could.

  2. Myron Mesecke says:

    Nice to hear someone admit that the amount of solar powered CO2 trapped by Mother Nature and released when man uses the natural resources that Mother Nature has provided for man’s use has no effect on the planet.

    • Mike Davis says:

      Actually in the long run there is an effect. Releasing the stored CO2 from the repositories allows increased biological production. Which overall tends to cool the planet as is evident when observing the differences between a forest and a desert.

  3. peterhodges says:

    not to mention, ft lauderdale, the florida keys, etc, were all created under higher sea levels


  4. Mike Davis says:

    Pater: was that caused by low tide or High tide? 😉

  5. Myron Mesecke says:

    Jimash says:
    November 3, 2010 at 7:45 pm

    “Need I continue?
    Islands float on the surface of the ocean and rise /fall depending on sea level as long as humans do not interfere.”

    Seriously ?
    Must I add ? Neither Islands, nor coral atolls float.

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