Met Office : Coal Fired Power Plants Cause Warming And Cooling (When Convenient)

During periods when they believe the Earth’s temperature is warming, they blame the warming on CO2 from burning coal. During periods when the Earth is not warming, they blame it on sulfates from burning coal.

One of the major factors is pollution over Asia, where the huge growth in coal-fired power stations mean aerosols like sulphur are being pumped into the air. This reflects sunlight, cooling the land surface temperature.

h/t to Tom Nelson


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Met Office : Coal Fired Power Plants Cause Warming And Cooling (When Convenient)

  1. MikeTheDenier says:

    I thought all those horrible coal fired plants pumped so much C02 into the atmosphere it was suppose to warm the planet. Oh my. we’re all doomed. Coal causes warming….no, it causes cooling…….

    Please excuse me while I take a massive amount of drugs to cure the headache all this is causing..

  2. Ian says:

    So, the answer to global warming, after all, is to build more coal-fired power stations?

    Mike D, please answer.

    • suyts says:

      Funny stuff, so is the net effect of coal plants warming or cooling?

    • Mike Davis says:

      Nature placed coal in the ground just for our use at this time in history because it was predetermined that CO2 levels would be at a dangerously low level as shown in the writing of the ancient civilizations such as the Atlantians!Their climate models predicted just what the world is experiencing now. 😉
      I do not think the answer to the climate issue is in any way related to the use of coal. There are good reasons to wean ourselves off of coal and better forms of producing energy will be found, A few have been found but they do not fit the agenda of the ECO warriors so have been sidelined.
      The ultimate answer to Global warming is the researchers that are currently studying global warming. The solution to the problem is the reject all the finding of the climatologists and cut off funding for climatology along with closing down the IPCC. The sooner done the sooner Global Warming will stop and we get back to natural weather variations.

  3. suyts says:

    ………And war is peace.

  4. There is a short discussion about coal fired plants at Wind Concerns Ontario.

    I am trying to make sense of some of the claims and a recent newspaper article.

    It is interesting in light of the Met Office Claims in England. Some of us appear to be numerically challenged. Maybe it’s me…

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