Met Office Determined To Achieve #1

Even more book cooking upwards adjustments to get 2010 up to #1.  Kind of like shoplifters at Wal-Mart who don’t realize they are being video-taped.

h/t to Marc Morano

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Met Office Determined To Achieve #1

  1. TinyCO2 says:

    So let me get this straight. They’ve gone from poorly educated sailors casually dipping a thermometer of dubious quality into a bucket of water pulled up from the sea and maybe, accurately recording the reading to the nearest half degree, followed by transferring those readings to digital media with all the chances for mistakes that entails; to using an ultra sophisticated measurement buoy and they’ve detected a tiny discrepancy that will bump the global temperatures up over the last few years to reintroduce the necessary global warming signal. How… er… convenient.

    I can come up with a different interpretation to the MetOffice. The historical records are so poor, that it’s impossible to extract accuracy to the nearest degree, never mind the nearest tenth of a degree. They’ve previously manufactured a fake temperature rise but the modern measurements (GRACE and ARGO) don’t reflect it. So they will feel the need to adjust the accurate measurements upwards rather than flatten the older trend. The key message – it’s not warming as fast as they told us!

  2. Green Sand says:

    So the Met Office is moving the goal posts (thimble/pea) again.

    I know that this is about sea temps, but it will be interesting to see what they propose to do with the world’s oldest thermometer Central England Temperature. CET.

    Some 4 years ago, nearly to the day, Prof Jones thought the UK CET was the centre of the world and very indicative of a rapidly warming planet:-

    “The hottest year since 1659 spells global doom”

    “The joint warmest years currently are 1990 and 1999, which recorded a mean temperature of 10.63C. With just over two weeks to the end of the year, the current mean temperature anomaly to Dec 12 is equivalent to an annual temperature of 10.84C. Prof Jones said: “This year sees the highest average temperature recorded since the Central England”

    Where is CET today? Well last year saw 10.10 with an anomaly of +0.60C.

    This year through 24th November we have an anomaly of -0.01C and dropping. We will have to wait to see it through the year.

    So why in the space of 4 years has CET become so disconnected from the world temps it used to be indicative of and I therefore wonder what the justification will be for the changes that I envisage will happen the world’s oldest thermometer?

    PS the “growing season” temp shown in the chart in the 2006 article at 14.6C. 2009 just made the chart at 13.6C and this year 2010 was 13.0C. The UK is getting cold, quickly.

    We live in interesting times.

  3. Espen says:

    Yeah right. Meanwhile, UAH temperatures are in free fall.

  4. shoplifters at Wal-Mart who don’t realize they are being video-taped.

    Even worse, how about employees who steal and didn’t know they were being taped.

  5. Eyes Wide Open says:

    Twits! Then explain why the new measurements since 2003 have shown no signs of warming and actually show a slight cooling! They need to start putting some of these people in jail!

  6. Paul H says:

    To maintain their global warming bandwagon they need to show this year as the hottest ever as people will otherwise start to realise they have been lied to.

    They know 2010 will be their last chance for many years to make such a claim as we begin to enter a cooler phase.

    They have known this since before the year started. That is why the Met Office forecast this could be the hottest year ever before it started.

    The lies and fraud will get worse before the year is out.

  7. Mike Davis says:

    To say that sea surface temperature records are unreliable is a gross understatement. To say the land surface temperature records is unreliable is also a gross understatement.
    We currently have 31 years of satellite records which are not long enough yet to determine a climate signal. I once read at a NASA site they thought a meaningful signal might be found with 150 years of GOOD satellite records.
    The best that can be said about the current surface temperature records is adjusted they are better than nothing and show a history of technological advancement. With an error range of plus or minus 5C for individual measurements there is no way to determine if 1900, 1934,or 1998 was warmest. It could have been 1785 for all we know. And that is a WAG equal to what the reporting agencies are giving us.
    Using MY secret Sauce you to can find whichever year you want to be the warmest.

  8. Ian says:

    Unless I am completely misunderstanding what is being claimed here, then not only is it wrong, but it is pure insanity that anyone should think it is right.

  9. rw says:

    Apparently our temperature receptors will also need readjustment – if we’re to go along with this folly.

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