There Won’t Be A Bailout For Misinformation

If you were a CEO of industry, you would probably get in trouble for presenting an annual report with gross misinformation. Not so in climate science. 2010 is not the hottest year, there is no evidence that we are seeing an increase in extreme weather over the long term, and nuclear power plants do not produce CO2.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to There Won’t Be A Bailout For Misinformation

  1. R. de Haan says:

    The positive development I see is that the public is no longer buying into this BS.
    Just read the comments to this pro Cancun article published in the UK’s Telegraph.

    The more crap they write the more opposition they get.
    The science has failed and the propaganda has failed.

    And while the EU/IMF bailouts take over country after country, the opposition against the EU and the UN is rising to a boiling point as well.

    We are very quickly arriving at a point where people are no longer prepared to take any BS from the establishment.

  2. Mike Davis says:

    You have to admit the steam from the plants makes an impressive picture. It also provides evidence the author of this piece has no clue! Sort of like Brother Al!

  3. Dave N says:

    I’ll bite.. where’s the study that supposedly shows catastrophic weather events are increasing? Even if there was, where’s the empirical proof that it’s being caused by warming and/or CO2?

  4. Yarmy says:

    Are we seeing a rapid increase in catastrophic weather events? I genuinely don’t know, but if I wrote that I’d make sure I had a reference rather than just randomly pointing out events. It’s typical of those educated in the humanities though no matter how smart they are (and Johann Hari is that).

  5. GregO says:

    Johann Hari’s article starts off on a good foot:

    “Why are they (the world’s governments) jetting off to Cancun next week to discuss what to do now about global warming? The vogue has passed. The fad has faded. Global warming is yesterday’s apocalypse.”

    I couldn’t have said it better myself! He should have stopped while he was ahead.

    • Climate superstition is as old as man, and isn’t likely to disappear now. Every weather event is seen by the useful idiots as a sign of displeasure from the gods.

      Science can’t win this argument.

  6. Lazarus says:

    “Not so in climate science”

    Another straw man – Hari isn’t a scientist let alone a climatologist.

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