They aren’t being shy about the agenda any more.
In one paper Professor Kevin Anderson, Director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, said the only way to reduce global emissions enough, while allowing the poor nations to continue to grow, is to halt economic growth in the rich world over the next twenty years.
This would mean a drastic change in lifestyles for many people in countries like Britain as everyone will have to buy less ‘carbon intensive’ goods and services such as long haul flights and fuel hungry cars.
Simple answer is to kick out all the immigrants from over the last 20 years and shut down all borders. Stop all foreign aide and importing goods from other countries. Of course stop tourism to foreign lands as that is sending money out of the country.
such as long haul flights
While right now long haul flights are being taken to Cancun. They already did Rio…… Is Monaco next? I don’t think Milwaukee is on the list.
fuel hungry cars
But not the limos of Copenhagen and Cancun. They don’t get included.
buy less ‘carbon intensive’ goods
That would include land based phones, no more cel phones. Do Leonardo DiCaprio, James Cameron, Brooke Shields, Harrison Ford, Ed Begley, Jr., etc., own cel phones?
Seriously, think about the relationship between the rich and the poor nations. If the rich nations immiserated their population by driving them into poverty – would it benefit the undeveloped nations? Imports of commodities would collapse, investment and aid dollars would disappear, and the dynamism of the world economy would dwindle into stagnation. The end result would be tyranny in the developed world – for the sake of starvation and civil collapse in the undeveloped world.
But it’s the least we can do!
you know that in twenty years when underdeveloped countries have been blighted with intense failure and global warming is done through and through, it will be sadly reported how so many suffered for what was a good cause.
The question is, will the ridicule of a few scientist offset the damage to the third world?
It might be an argument to float if our eyeballs were frying in our eye sockets but <the world is not warming a gnat's whiskers' worth. He’s off his tree is what he is. In fact the world is getting colder. Snowmageddon, the sequel even. Maybe that’s why they all went off to Cancun, so they wouldn’t have to notice.
The question then becomes what is the ultimate goal of the AGW group? Is it saving man? Or is it saving a man-less planet? Halting economic growth for 20 years would devastate those nations participating, causing catastrophic death and havoc. So if we follow this one man’s advice – then the answer is clear. The AGW crowd cares nothing for man – indeed, their only goal is the erradication of man – so that all the other animals can live in peace and harmony on a garden of eden.
Whoops! That peaceful lion just ate a peaceful zebra!