“Unclear and Incoherent”

From The Korea Times, 18 months ago


Although the new U.S. administration reportedly has yet to finalize its North Korea policy, its response is more than just puzzling. President Barack Obama handled what he termed the test-fire of a long-range missile like an emergency, stressing “violations must be punished.” Obama’s point man on North Korea, Stephen W. Bosworth, however, had already declared that “pressure is not the most productive line of approach.”


Obama strategy incoherent? Whoever would have imagined?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to “Unclear and Incoherent”

  1. Bruce Ryan says:

    anybody else see a Shakespeare tragedy unfolding

  2. R. de Haan says:

    SK’s Lee was grilled over the weak response to the NK shelling.
    We must bomb the crap out of the NK.

    • Obama should go apologize and bow to someone. Maybe release a few terrorists from Gitmo.

    • peterhodges says:

      R. de Haan says:
      November 25, 2010 at 2:24 am

      We must bomb the crap out of the NK.

      now, now. the idea is to keep it low intensity.

      our foreign policy only looks incoherent if you think of it as actual foreign policy – you know, geopolitics, strategic interests, those old fashioned sorts of things.

      our foreign policy is really just to keep as many defense contract generating low intensity conflicts on the stove as possible without getting burnt by a boil over.

      i don’t know about these days, but when i was in the army we lost a man a year on the dmz. in fact, i know of one entire squad that ‘went missing’

      read about that in the news?

  3. peterhodges says:

    in fact, i know of one entire squad that ‘went missing’

    that’s a dramatic overstatement, i am sure they got those guys back at some point

  4. Mark Bowlin says:

    North Korean threats are no news.
    No news is good news.
    Therefore, North Korean threats are good news.

    Ya gotta make ’em pay for this (and just as important, for the sinking of the ROKN warship)…the trick is finding the right payment.

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