We Can All Retire Now- Tamino Has Everything Under Control


I found out that the mainstream climate scientists had the right interpretation. Every time. The ones who keep telling us that global warming is real, is man-made, and is dangerous — they’re the ones who were right about what the data indicated, not the so-called “skeptics” who claimed otherwise. Every goddamn time. Of course, I can only testify about the data I’ve actually analyzed myself. But rest assured that’s a helluva lot.
The results are consistent: confirming global warming. Every time.

h/t to Joe Daleo

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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24 Responses to We Can All Retire Now- Tamino Has Everything Under Control

  1. suyts says:

    Well, if he says so, then it must be……….. hmm, wait, I seem to recall something…….hmm, let me see where this could…. lol, oh yes! Here it is!
    A complete smack down of his assertions. Every time!

  2. Mike Davis says:

    Hansen’s bull dog is still at it? Another inhabitant of Fantasy Island. DESMOG! DESMOG! BOSS! DESMOG!

  3. omnologos says:

    There’s a comment at my blog about a duck that keeps attacking buses servicing the bus stop…next to the duck’s pond. Well, the duck can only testify about the buses it has attacked so far but… they’ve all retreated after being attacked.

    The results are consistent: the mighty buses are scared of the little duck and run away at the first chance. Every time.

  4. Dave N says:

    I still can’t believe anyone pays any attention to Tamino. He’s been smacked down so mnay times he must be completely flat by now, thus very hard to see.

  5. Jon P says:

    I am shocked! Shocked I tell ya! Another post from Tamino prompting his mindless lemmings to proclaim his greatness! The hilarious part? Reading all the regulars grovel for a pat on the head from their master and not even realizing the manipulation that is occurring!

  6. R. de Haan says:

    Who the f**k is Tamino?

  7. Sundance says:

    I thought the day when Tamino agreed with the consensus would never come. It’s about time he quit being skeptical.

  8. Every goddamn time. Of course, I can only testify about the data I’ve actually analyzed myself. But rest assured that’s a helluva lot.
    The results are consistent: confirming global warming. Every time.

    The way Tamino does math he could verify a lot of things—he could even verify that the idea of disasters coming is ridiculous—if he wanted to.

    I am unimpressed with Tamino.

  9. James Mayeau says:

    this here is a little ditty dedicated to Tamino and all his regulars;;

    I was getting depressed cause of all the stress I was feeling at home.
    Had a poor credit score and the number would haunt me wherever I go.
    Thought I’d move to a place where my credit could stink and nobody would care.
    I just wish that somebody had told me that place was a renaissance faire.

    Free credit report dot com,
    tell your friends, tell your dad, tell your mom,
    Nevermind they’ve been singing our songs
    since we first showed up with our pirate hats on.

    If you’re not into fake sword fights,
    pointy slippers, and green wool tights,
    take a tip from a knight who knows
    free credit report dot com
    let’s go!!!

  10. Go back to bed America, your government is in control

  11. Paul H says:

    It is amusing to see how babyish most of Tamino’s commenters sound. Whiny little comments like ” Have we reached the tipping point yet, Tamino?” .

    I remember one saying ” that’s brilliant news” when Tamino posted some report confirming we were all gonna die by 2020.

    Are any of them over 10 years old?

  12. John Brookes says:

    Tamino is bloody good at what he does.

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