First Week Of Antarctic Meteorological Summer : -56F

If we don’t take drastic action, this sucker is just going to collapse. It only needs to warm up eighty-eight degrees to reach the freezing point.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to First Week Of Antarctic Meteorological Summer : -56F

  1. Speaking of Antarctica, global warmers aren’t going to like this–or maybe they won’t know they shouldn’t like it

    Skeptic paper on Antarctica accepted – rebuts Steig et al

    • suyts says:

      Heh, “Doing it ourselves!” Beautiful dig at RC. Pinheads wouldn’t post half of what I had to say about their lack of reading comprehension skills with McShane and Wyner.

  2. Mike Davis says:

    I read it a bit differently than you did! But I am not going to argue the point!!!!

  3. suyts says:

    Just wait, it’ll warm to a balmy -20 F and some pinhead will claim melting ice is occurring because its so much warmer.

    • Mike Davis says:

      They are already doing that! The West Antarctic Peninsula is a ridge of volcano activity and is further north than any where else on the continent. It would be like comparing thew climate in Florida to the climate in Wyoming or even Alaska.
      Antarctica is a BIG chunk of land. What would North America climate look like with 15 to 20 temperature monitoring sites?

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