Cars kill and maim millions of people every year. They cause road rage and are used as a murder and suicide weapon. Automobile tragedy strikes every few seconds.
It is time for a national debate on banning cars, or at least limiting the size of their gas tank to one gallon. The time it takes to reload a gas tank may save people’s lives.
That will also prevent criminals from listening to right-wing talk radio in their vehicles.
Stop, Steve, someone will read that and seriously think its a good idea. Next thing you know, your Mike Bennett will be drafting a bill ………
Had another close encounter, didn’t you…………
I had a close encounter with lunatics who want total control of every aspect of free people’s lives.
You should have know better than to get that close to Obama’s bus………….
My truck has 60 gallon capacity and when traveling I thought that was to small! Pulling a fifth wheel trailer it has about the same range as my van with a 18 gallon tank!
You guys just need to embrace assimilation. It only hurts…. for the rest of your life.
Command and control of your life extends to ….well, everything. I used to think we had a public trans system so poor people could afford to get around. Gainful employment really does a lot for that problem, but I digress….
What I’m seeing now is accordian buses on every corner. You know, the 80 ft long job – two full bus lengths. They’re everywhere. Probably cost 500K. But i’ve never seen more than a handful of people in any one of them.
Why do we REALLY have buses? Is it so the poor can get around? Or is it the ready made system we’ll be forced into when they take the cars away completely? …. to restrict mobility and freedom. In Ukraine you take a bus because you can’t afford to get a car. In France, the train is pretty nice, but it costs about as much as renting a car.
What’s the real reason?