Chu : Snow A Thing Of The Past In California

Snowpack is 200% of normal in California.

h/t to Amino

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Chu : Snow A Thing Of The Past In California

  1. Dave N says:

    More weasel words: “could end..”.. “could wipe out..”.. “what could happen..”.. “a scenario”..

    Oh yeah, and total ignorance of reality..

  2. Deanna says:

    The only thing wiping out farming in California are the idiots in Washing that have turned off water to the San Joaquin Valley to save a 3-inch fish.

  3. Deanna says:

    Oops I meant to say Washington. Dang.

  4. Layne Blanchard says:

    So……. I think water is once again flowing to the San Joaquin valley…… but not sure. But drought won’t be a cover story for rationing this year….

  5. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    “Stronger storms, shrinking glaciers and winter snowpack, prolonged droughts and rising sea levels are raising the specter of global food and water shortages. The ominous signs of climate change we see today are a warning of dire economic and social consequences….”

    ~Steven Chu

  6. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Chu is not a climate scientist.

    -LA Times

  7. truthsword says:

    So Chu didn’t get the memo about AGW causing more extremley snowy winters? Their message is bouncing around between no snow and cold & snowy so fast I can’t keep up…

  8. suyts says:

    And then they cut off water supply to the farmers to self fulfill the prophecy. Sick bastards.

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