CO2 Is Not Killing Anything

Besides a few trees near volcanoes.

What kind of flaming moron would associate CO2 emissions with genocide?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to CO2 Is Not Killing Anything

  1. R. de Haan says:

    The new brave eco fascists of course

  2. Mike Davis says:

    James Hansen
    Al Gore
    Michael Mann
    The entire group of people supporting the IPCC position!!

  3. truthsword says:

    Gravy train…

  4. peterhodges says:

    the same one’s that believe warmer=colder

  5. Latitude says:

    obviously the MET

  6. Nobama says:

    Isn’t it the 5000 degree pyroclastic cloud that kills the trees? They probably sense a blast of fresh CO2 just before the end…

  7. R. de Haan says:

    CO2 is not killing anything.
    That can’t be said from China rare earthts that leave a toxic trail to Toyota Prius, Chevy Volt and Vestas wind turbines

    The eco madness is turning our world into an idiocracy.

  8. Russell C says:

    Don’t forget the anti-skeptic book author Ross Gelbspan who is still unable to hurl anything more than unsupported guilt-by-association accusations at skeptic scientists. In his 2004 Boiling Point book, such skeptics have committed “crimes against humanity”:

  9. SMS says:

    Everytime I exhale I feel guilty. NOT

  10. Andy Weiss says:

    CO2 not hurting anything? What about wiping out humanity as these people would have you believe?

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