D.C. Covered With Hot Snow

I’m at Dulles Airport right now, and there appears to be snow up and down the eastern seaboard. The Washington Post explains :

This winter’s extreme weather — with heavy snowfall in some places and unusually low temperatures — is in fact a sign of how climate change disrupts long-standing patterns, according to a new report by the National Wildlife Federation.

It comes at a time when, despite a wealth of scientific evidence, the American public is increasingly skeptical that climate change is happening at all. That disconnect is particularly important this year as the Obama administration and its allies in Congress seek to enact legislation to curb greenhouse gas emissions and revamp the nation’s energy supply.

“It’s very hard for any of us to grasp how this larger warming trend is happening when we’re still having wintry weather,” said National Wildlife Federation climate scientist Amanda Staudt, the new report’s lead writer.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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20 Responses to D.C. Covered With Hot Snow

  1. latitude says:

    winters will be milder, growing seasons longer = global warming
    winters will be more severe, growing seasons shorter = climate change

    disruption of long standing patterns = normal

  2. Jimbo says:

    This winter’s extreme weather — with heavy snowfall in some places and unusually low temperatures — is in fact a sign of how climate change disrupts long-standing patterns, according to a new report by the National Wildlife Federation.

    Bullshit! Aren’t the animals moving north anymore due to global warming? These tricksters are a bunch of funding scam artists. Look for the pea under the thimble I say:

    June 4, 1999
    Warm Winters Result From Greenhouse Effect, Columbia Scientists Find, Using NASA Model

    I do hope that the new report for the National Wildlife Federation used a better model than the one used by NASA in 1999. If predictions FAIL simply add more speculation. You really can’t go wrong. ;>)

  3. Jimbo says:

    Rest assured Mr. Goddard. The climate bandits’ sommersaults are actually increasing scepticism among members of the public. The UK is particularly sceptical of the AGW lies and is growing. Why? They have had decades of experience with the Met Office weather forecasts.

  4. Jimbo says:

    “It’s very hard for any of us to grasp how this larger warming trend is happening when we’re still having wintry weather,” said National Wildlife Federation climate scientist Amanda Staudt, the new report’s lead writer.

    Here is the warming trend for you.

    I predict that within the next 2 years the abusive term ‘denier’ will be attributable to the other side.

  5. max says:

    I’m sorry, but why would anyone cite a National Wildlife Federation report on climate science? Aside from the fact that they are unabashedly an advocacy group there is the issue of the NWF does not do research. Nothing against the NWF, they are a fine advocacy group who seem dedicated to their goals, but they are not scientists and the organizational goals do not include the advancement of science.

  6. Dave N says:

    So a cooling trend causes what, exactly? Less snow?

  7. peterhodges says:

    comments already shut down over there.

    i am curious to see what was said but it is not loading.

  8. peterhodges says:

    finally loaded…comments are a hoot!

  9. Mike Davis says:

    Come February second we will have the much respected NGF giving their well researched scientific opinion on Global Warming!
    National Groundhog Fellowship and its current lead scientist Punxsutawney Phil!

  10. Mike Davis says:

    While the page shows 2011 the comments section is dated Jan 30 2010. One year ago today. I thought the article seemed familiar. If nothing else the CLB are repetitious. Everything in the story and comments can be found repeated in many papers this year. Next year we will be hearing the climate is not changing because of global warming and we are all doomed!!!!!!!
    If the climate does not change for a certain period of years all the “Really” Nasty weather will be just waiting to be released and it is going to happen anytime within the next 60 years. The Winters of 08, 09 and 2010 were really milder than people imagined as they were under the influence of those nasty Fossil Fuel Deniers that were feeding them the “Lie of the Day” about cold and snow happening in many locations when in reality it was only happening where people experienced it! 😉

  11. The average global temperatures are with or without all this snow are in reality colder than what they have predicted as a byproduct of Cagw.

    What we see here is a shameful example of people scampering around, trying hard to reinvent a washed up (tired, exhausted, finished, done for having failed) hypothesis.

    • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

      Here’s how global warming works:

      Wait to see what happens in weather and then say that’s what global warming predicted would happen.

  12. D. King says:

    “It’s very hard for any of us to grasp how this larger warming trend is happening when we’re still having wintry weather,” said National Wildlife Federation climate scientist Amanda Staudt, the new report’s lead writer.

    Is it, is it hard for us to grasp Amanda?

    Well, that name rings a bell!

    Oh yes, I remember now.

    From: March 4, 2010
    National Wildlife Federation filed 427 lawsuits


    • BT Harley says:

      the comments in the WP really are funny, I would be so embarrassed if I wrote anything half as bad as this article…the editors surely must be ashamed of themselves…oh, wait!

  13. Charles Higley says:

    “This winter’s extreme weather — with heavy snowfall in some places and unusually low temperatures — is in fact a sign of how climate change disrupts long-standing patterns, according to a new report by the National Wildlife Federation”

    Great! Another activist group used as an authority source for global warming. After yelling for years that warming would mean hotter, drier, wetter, etc. Now they have to change their tune to include cold and massive temperature swings.

    There is no evidence of any kind that warming would disrupt weather patterns; this is pure speculation to cover their arses. In fact, as the oceans and air would have less of a temperature differential, storms would be less intense and even less likely to form. They are heat engines which depend on the warm ocean and cold air – just what you get when we are cooling and the oceans have not caught up yet.

  14. BT Harley says:

    there are so many benefits for a warming, and a higher CO2 world…what a pity it is not happening…

  15. Andy Weiss says:

    So what disrupted the climate back in the days of Washington and Jefferson when there were huge snowfalls back then? What about 1717 when New England was buried in 4 feet of snow? What about 1899 when there were blizzards and sub zero (F) weather in Florida, also 15 foot snowdrifts in DC?

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