Eco Loons Killing People In Australia

There are consequences when morons are put in charge of government.

h/t to mikegeo

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Eco Loons Killing People In Australia

  1. Dave N says:

    So much for AGW caused floods.. unless of course, AGW was in effect back in 1974, 1893, 1841 etc..

  2. Beano says:

    I was in Gympie in January 1966 or 1967 (can’t remember which), however the Mary river was in flood that year – 79 feet deep.
    The first time I saw just the roofs on houses poking out of flood water.

  3. ES says:

    Major flood years (or near years) 2011, 1992, 1973, 1954 & 1916 were all in the same phase of the eclipse cycle. – All had solar eclipses around 4th Jan &/or lunar eclipses a fortnight before / after.

    So they will have 19 years to plan for another one.

    • Mike Davis says:

      If history provides evidence of anything, it is that they will continue with business as usual and not even relocate those structures that are in the worst affected locations even if this event required them to be rebuilt. A lot of flooding was controlled after measures were taken in the 30s to build dams along rivers prone to flooding. The problem was it also led to people building in areas that were still prone to being flooded.
      I recall a conversation with the regional flood control manager and her comment about living in a flood plain is not a problem as long as the people are properly insured. Flood retention basins were designed for events up to a level and would catastrophically fail if flooding exceeded their ratings creating a worse disaster than if the basins had not been built. After that conversation all my homes were built on high ground with a flood rating of Z or higher.

  4. PhilJourdan says:

    Those deaths are just the beginning. Those that do not care for human life cannot be upset with the loss of it.

  5. Lazlo says:

    Dear Steve (or anyone),

    The meme-de-jour from the warmists here over the past 24 hours is linking the floods to high sea surface teperatures around Oz, and hence to global warming. This is all being picked up with glee by the msm.

    See for example
    where a claim is made about “warmest ever measured”. This is stange since in spring there were reports of below average coastal temperatures and all the surfies were wearing wet-suits.

    Are there pointers to actual recent sea surface temps that support/rebut these claims, and/or anyone want to do a post on this?


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