Fear Of Guns

It is OK for teenagers to text while driving 3,000 pound vehicles, but many of our friends on the left are terrified of guns.

As a cyclist, I am keenly aware that the tens of thousands of cars on the road are vastly more dangerous than the CCW in my pocket. One million people get killed in automobile accidents every year, and tens of millions get maimed.

An automobile going 65 MPH has thousands of times more energy than a bullet.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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27 Responses to Fear Of Guns

  1. Latitude says:

    I hope this doesn’t mean you had another runin with a moron this afternoon……………….

    • I have cars almost hit me nearly every week. Most of the time I am able to avoid them. The problem is when they get you from behind.

      • Latitude says:

        I’m chicken, that’s why I quit, well that and my back. My back can’t take that side to side on those lower disks any more.

      • suyts says:

        I feel your pain Lat, I blew a lower disk out about 10 years ago. I’m usually pretty good, but sometimes I forget about things I shouldn’t be doing.

  2. Mike Davis says:

    Having a CCW I have to agree with you about a car being a deadlier weapon that a Hand Gun.
    If guns are Outlawed only Outlaws will have guns! That makes every law abiding citizen a potential target of gun totting outlaws.

    • Latitude says:

      I am 100% for gun control…..

      …I took every gun I have to the range, hired a teacher, and learned how to control each and every one of them

      • Mike Davis says:

        I was a teacher of Gun Control years ago while I was the local range master! So like you I believe in Gun Control from 22 rimfiire to 300 Winmag! I thought 50BMG was a bit much for a shoulder cannon.

  3. Latitude says:

    Pelosi: Democrats Lost House Because of … Bush!

    “We still would have lost the election because we had 9.5% unemployment. Let’s take it where that came from. The policies of George W. Bush and the Republican support for his initiatives, tax cuts are for the wealth, recklessness by some,” Minority Leader Pelosi told CNN


    Can you believe it, it’s still Bush’s fault

    • truthsword says:

      That excuse is working so well for them, now W has a higher approval rating than Obama… so let them keep using it.

  4. peterhodges says:

    well you would be happy to learn, steven, here in the PRK you would be much safer because texting/talking on a cell phone while driving has been outlawed

    one of the fatal TC’s we covered last summer…a car went off of deadman summit at ~70mph and wrapped around a tree a good 20ft up the trunk. it took over 2hrs to cut out the victim. it was a mess. probable cause of accident? the subject had just answered her cell phone at the time of the crash…

  5. peterhodges says:

    and let me add, i have been a firefighter for 8 years and i have been on several fatal car crashes, and yet not one incident involving a firearm. in a place where nearly everyone is armed, and there is a shooting range almost right in town.

    **knocks on wood**

  6. Airframe Eng says:

    Dogbert says: “I look forward to the day when drugs, guns, and alcohol can all be purchased together at a drive up window”

    Cars are more dangerous…… and politicians worse yet.

  7. Ronald Henry says:

    On a different but related note on relative risks of guns compared to other things. I believe that the the chances of dying from a mistake made by your physician are many times greater than the chances of being killed by gun in your home. Yet most people trust doctors and fear guns – go figure.

  8. Andy Weiss says:

    If you get in the way of the car or the bullet, you will be just as dead either way.

  9. ianpp says:

    always remember
    Guns dont kill people, people kill people
    Cars dont kill people, people kill people
    I don’t think you would be any safer if everyone rode bikes, millions would still die and 10s of millions would be maimed, or worse. Just my opinion.

      • Mike Davis says:

        People do stupid things! For one
        Everyone eventually dies for two!
        Improperly used Mountain Bikes lead to serious injury and even death without other vehicles being involved.
        There are people that receive serious injuries walking in the wilderness without any vehicle being involved.

      • ianpp says:

        It does not matter what type of vehicle you have, the same people are operating them. You will have the same amount of accidents; some will come out better some worse. Drunken teenagers are dangerous no matter what vehicle they are on or in.

        • One f the things that becomes apparent when cycling is that each car takes up ridiculous amounts of space, because they are large and traveling quickly. Thus, the opportunity for collision is greatly enhanced.

      • ianpp says:

        Do you think a Greyhound bus takes up more room than 50 people on a bike? and remember the bus is faster so it may take up more space but for a smaller amount of time.
        If everyone in the US started biking, there would still be massive carnage on the roads. (and it would take forever to get anywhere)
        I have been riding my bike to work for over ten years now, i have very few problems with cars (big trucks YES).

  10. suyts says:

    Always keep a gun nearby. Because when seconds count, 911 is minutes away.

  11. Michael D Smith says:

    It depends on what kind of bullet and what kind of car. Using a 5000 lb car and a .44 magnum (about 1600 joules), a car could have as little as 600 times more energy. Still, that gives me a good impression of a .44 mag. 600 delivered should be able to stop the car. Not much time to reload clips before it hits you, but feasible with at chain gun.

    Tens of millions get maimed every year? Where? In the US? If that’s the case, then 1/30 people should be maimed every year. Selling my bike. And my motorcycle.

  12. Chris Vaughn says:

    i liked this post. recently read that in some states they are trying to make it against the law for children to hunt? what idiocy…being taught responsible gun ownership at a young age is a GOOD THING! Some of my younger memories are of going hunting and/or fishing with Dad. He taught me to hunt rabbits and squirrels and to fish by the time I was 6 years old. What is wrong with that? I can’t believe the idiots who are running things lately. Unfortunately the idiots in the other mainstream party are nearly as bad – too bad the two main parties continue to work together the keep any of the others from getting funding or becoming real as far as winning elections etc. What we need are for some of these other parties to become national so we can get some new ideas and new blood in Washington and send the idiots home.

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