Global Warming Destroys 1200 Houses In China

BEIJING, China – Snow fall caused severe damages in southern China.Chinese Ministry of Civil Affairs have announced that it had reached to 58,000 people who have fled due to snow fall in the provinces of Jiangxi, Hunan, Chongqing, Sichuan and Ghuizhou.One have allegedly died while damages would cost around $203.8 million.According to the agency, 1,200 homes were destroyed due to snow fall and 142,400 hectares of crops were destroyed.Traffic in China was paralyzed and some areas have lost their supply of electricity.According to state weather forecaster, the extreme cold weather and snow fall in China could take on for five days.

h/t to Marc Morano

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Global Warming Destroys 1200 Houses In China

  1. Mike Davis says:

    That must be a suburb of North West Europe!

  2. R. de Haan says:

    Believing in Global Warming kills thousands of crabs

  3. Chris Vaughn says:

    This is only the beginning of the exodus of humans who will have to flee their homes. As the cycle shifts into the downward spiral in temperature, and snowfall increases in many area where it is not the usual, people will begin to move. As the harvests start to fail due to changes in climate of shorter growing seasons and lack of rainfall … the movement will become a flood of refugees. When Europeans realize temps in the Siberian range as the new winter norm, they will want to be elsewhere, and those who have funds will flee. Weakening / stoppages in the thermohaline conveyor system are but a precursor of the change in the climate coming. The monsoon rains will weaken and/or stop while Australia and the east coasts of Africa and S. America will continue to be wetter than normal. Cooler/colder and drier weather prevail in most of the world. And the ice will slowly begin to grow and spread…without monsoon rains the rice crops cannot be planted. It won’t be too many years before famine, disease and war spread throughout – look for the North American nations to become as one to build themselves into a fortress to keep others OUT.

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