Greenland Meltdown!

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Greenland Meltdown!

  1. Steven:
    Did you really mean to use two “nots” in the
    concluding sentence of your most recent
    post? As it stands, I interpret the statement
    to mean that the preceding analysis suggests
    that there has been warming.
    Bill Balgord
    E&RT, Middleton, WI

  2. Mike Davis says:

    It is apparent that the ice will be gone from that location tomorrow due to the heat. I am going to open my freezer in hopes the cold air will melt the snow on my drive!

  3. Philip Finck says:

    A new paper of interest by Helama, S. at al., (2010) Late Holocene climate variability reconstructed from incremental data from pines and pearl mussels – a multi-proxy comparison of air and subsurface temperatures, in Boreas, Vol. 39, pp. 734 -748.

    In the finoLapland are…Figure 7 shows reconstructed temp during the 30’s – 40’s much higher (approx. 3/4 degree C) than that of the late 1990’s; records from 1767 – 1994.

    Sounds familiar.

  4. Erik says:

    Erik the red: I’ll be back!

    “By the year 1000 amounted Viking communities around. 3,000 people at 300-400 courtyards. Norse Society survived for 500 years. Why they disappeared is still a great mystery, but a COLDER CLIMATE, conflicts with the Inuit, European pirates, overgrazing and plague have been just some of the more qualified bids.”

    Google tranny:
    Native Danish:

    A Paleoethnobotanical Investigation of Garden Under Sandet, a Norse age central farmstead (pdf)

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