Guardian Thinks Keeping People Warm And Fed Is Equivalent To Sending Them To The Gas Chamber

The left is severely mentally ill.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Guardian Thinks Keeping People Warm And Fed Is Equivalent To Sending Them To The Gas Chamber

  1. Baa Humbug says:

    I %@#&% hate these &%^$#@$ lunatic %^$#@% unwashed hairy armpitted %^$#$
    lousy fu&$%#@$ a$$holes’

    How long were they given? Whatever it was wasn’t $%$#@#$ enough.

    • mt says:

      Environmental activists who planned to shut down a coal-fired power station near Nottingham were spared jail today after a judge declared they acted with “the highest possible motives”.

      Handing down sentences to 18 activists ranging from 18 months’ conditional discharge to 90 hours’ unpaid work, judge Jonathan Teare conceded the public may consider his sentencing “impossibly lenient”. But he said he had been put in a highly unique position given the moral standing of the campaigners.

      • Baa Humbug says:

        judge Jonathan Teare is a $#%$#@ ecotard $#%$#@ a$$hole
        frigging %$#$%# useless ^%$%$# who probably got his degree in the 70’s along with the rest of the ^%#$#@ hippies.

      • Anything is possible says:

        Environmental activists who planned to shut down a coal-fired power station near Nottingham were spared jail today after a judge declared they acted with “the highest possible motives”.


        “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

  2. R. de Haan says:

    This kind of reporting really make you sick.

  3. peterhodges says:

    it blows my mind how easily and thoroughly people get brainwashed

  4. truthsword says:

    There is no comparison to passing out pamplets and shutting down a vital utility… without even going to the stupidity of trying to equate utilities to Nazi Germany. These kinds of stories are, I think, doing more to kill the AGW nonsense than anything else. Any sane person, or even someon like TonyD, will read this and think the person writing it is a nut. Heh. Keep those stories coming.

  5. David A. Evans says:

    Personally think they should have been allowed to shut it down. Then face the wrath of the people!

    It would be better of course if they could shut down Ferrybridge, and the 2 at Selby, (Drax & Eggborough I think), simultaneously. I think that would really cause a ruccus! 😉


  6. Anything is possible says:

    Sophie Scholl was one of six members of the White Rose non-violence resistance movement who were summarily decapitated by the Nazis in 1943.

    If Polly Higgins’ brainless analogy is to have any credibilty, a similar fate would need to befall the “Ratcliffe 20″…….

  7. Pingback: Warmist Insanity Today: Standing Up To “Polluters” Same As Standing Up To Nazis » Pirate's Cove

  8. Pingback: Warmist Insanity Today: Standing Up To “Polluters” Same As Standing Up To Nazis : Stop The ACLU

  9. PhilJourdan says:

    You do not have to have a brain to be a liberal (leftist for you non-Americans). All you have to do is “feel”. So Mentally ill? That may be a bit too harsh. They just are not smart enough to know they are stupid.

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