Heavy Snow Forecast For The Deep South On Monday


This is what they meant when they talked about shifting climatic zones.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Heavy Snow Forecast For The Deep South On Monday

  1. Lance says:

    Good portion of Alberta is getting it tonight, along with some CAWG for the next 10 days…but, its just weather…..

  2. Mike Davis says:

    Two days ago I was supposed to get a dusting and I received more than two inches. During the last 24 hours I was supposed to receive 2 to 4 inches and I have a dusting. The temperature was supposed to be 44 yesterday and it stayed below freezing. Today it was supposed to be below freezing and it got to 44F. GLOBAL WARMING! 😉

  3. NoMoreGore says:

    The next 30 years may provide some shocking new lows. Some will be convinced the next ice age is starting. Add the right volcanic activity, and we may have a year (or two) without a summer. Piers will be getting the Goracle’s speaking fees. Al will probably be hanging from a tree somewhere in Tennessee.

    • truthsword says:

      Are you sure? Or will we keep hearing how global warming is causing extreme winters and cold that kills off animals….

  4. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    When you think of Mississippi what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Why, snow, of course, silly.

  5. Chris Vaughn says:

    The times they are a-changin…is this an oscillation of climate like the mini ice age that lasted for hundreds of years? Or a bigger shift like the Younger Dryas which lasted for over 1300 yrs? That was still an oscillation, like a downward spike in an otherwise warming period of climate change. On the other hand, the end of the current interglacial period known as the Holocene is probably about due. If that is what is happening, the climate will continue to cool for tens of thousands of years … and in the end ice will cover up to a third of the surface of the world. This is all part of a natural cycle which has happened with regularity for the last 400 thousand plus years. 10k yrs of warmer interglacial followed by 90 to 100 thousand years of glacial. The current interglacial started when???

  6. Paul Pierett says:

    Chris Vaughn,

    Let’s stay with a sunspot minimum for now. At least I will.

    Too many are banging the drum for something that they don’t want or have numbers for.

    We still have a warm earth, a favorable orbit and axis.


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