DavidNutzuki at 1:33 PM January 20, 2011
Part two of two.
If you still think voters will willingly check the YES box for a politician promising colder weather and lowering the seas by taxing the air, WELL, YOU are the new denier.
Climate Change is dead in support and alive in the media as all things too big to fail, fail slowly. But fail it has and any continued support of the CO2 mistake is dividing environmentalism and not helping anyone or anything.
Just remember, a scientist supporting the CO2 theory agrees that there will be effects from CO2. And they will range from negligible to unstoppable warming and it’s been 25 years plus, of warnings and predictions. There isn’t any crime being committed by a scientist endorsing the unstoppable warming because its in the range predicted. It’s a free pass for the scientists and just to show the bureaucratic cancer in climate science, all publicly funded science groups endorse and almost all private and independent science groups are in the “negligible” range of effects.
Obviously, our effects were like passing gas in a tornado. Real planet lovers are happy about climate change being 100% wrong.
Scientist: Farming Causes Obesity, Mental Illness, Overpopulation and Global Warming – Says Eugenics “Inevitable”
The link is to the plants moving down hill rather than a statement by Suzuki. What you have here reads like an Onion article.
Mike: No, there is a commenter on the LA times story, by the nom de screen of David Nutsuzki.
I did not read the comments! I will do that! Thank You, Les!