Left Wing UK Paper Proposes To Cut The US Military


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Left Wing UK Paper Proposes To Cut The US Military

  1. R. de Haan says:

    Total nonsense of course.
    1. If a technology takes more energy and resources to produce than it generates we can hardly call it clean energy, can we?
    2. Most of China’s “clean energy” is exported.

  2. Beano says:

    So how much is China spending on it’s just announced “clone F22”?
    Or on it’s anti ship missile technology?
    Or on it’s cyber war technology?
    Or on it’s militarization of space?

  3. Let’s compare apples with apples, shall we? Twice as much in clean energy? China’s population is 4 times that of America. Which means they are actually spending less on it per person. No catching up by America needs to be done. So let The Guardian tell China to catch up to America—if The Guardian dares to. I bet they don’t.

    Also, I’d like to see the actual list of things called “clean energy” in China and what is called “clean energy” in America to see if those apples are apples too.

  4. Sandy Rham says:

    Awful lot of sucking up to China at the moment?
    Guess we need to keep them sweet while the West inflates away its debt.

  5. BioBob says:

    feh, we can easily get 100 billion by shutting down all federal grants and agencies pushing the bogus global warming meme, LOL.

  6. grayman says:

    Clean energy my ASS! All those supposed clean energy solar panels that were installed in Spain are coming apart, breaking down and becoming useless junk that the people are just removing and throwing away, it would cost to much to replace them, sorry forgot to mention that they happen to be just out of warranty, Read it on No Tricks Zone, Pierres blog, and by the way he has a bet going on with some warmist that tyhe next decade will be cooler than the last. Check it out it is for Charity for children. But back to the high QUALITY CHINESE solar panels, NOT!

  7. Andy Weiss says:

    It’s easy for China to look great, with them making a fortune by financing our debt.

  8. suyts says:

    Well thank goodness the military budget wasn’t cut while it was busy inventing the internet, else we wouldn’t be able to see these great suggestions from our friends at the guardian. Dolts.

    China uses clean energy? Yep right after it uses up all the coal fired, gas fired, nuclear generated energy. Of course, all of this is possible because China refuses to let their Yuan float on the markets. More of that free, but not fair trade.

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