Lisbon Quick Notes

I’ve been traveling for the last 33 hours. (Thank you United Airlines.) My flight out of Denver was canceled because of equipment problems, and United took the liberty of canceling my return trip too. So when I showed up at the airport in Lisbon Saturday evening, they didn’t have any reservations for me. I ended up traveling back through Brussels and Washington.

Under the rules of the meeting, I can’t really go into any detail about what was discussed. However, here are a few interesting bits of information.

  • None of the h0ckey team showed up. People there were very friendly and thoughtful.
  • Some of the climate science contingent were shocked to learn of the predictions Hansen (and others) have made in public.
  • Ross McKitrick is a very cool and interesting guy.
  • Jerome Ravetz is a great guy, and organized a wonderful week.
  • Lisbon is a fantastic city. The weather was perfect for cycling.
  • I made some friends on both sides of the climate fence.
  • Everyone got along very well. It was a good venue and topic “reconciliation.”

The key climate science word of the meeting was “ignorance.”

Additional comment from Jerome Ravetz

“Good that you made it home! And very, very good to have you there. I’ve been reflecting on what made the atmosphere so special, so that (nearly) everybody got on so well. I think that we are all ‘marginal’ and therefore reflective, to some degree, so that we don’t assume that the Others are wrong, bad, etc. just because of their opinions. We all need to digest it, to understand how significant it might have been. I’m looking forward to more dialogues, maybe in future with more challenging partners.

And thanks for the Feynman quote!!!!

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Lisbon Quick Notes

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    Glad to here you got back in one piece!

  2. Dave N says:

    “Some of the climate science contingent were shocked to learn of the predictions Hansen (and others) have made in public”

    I guess this could be taken in a number of ways. It would be discouraging if they’re not keeping up with statements being made by (unfortunately) one of the most influential people in the climate arena. If they were “shocked”, I guess they’re not purposefully ignoring him because they already think he is insane, which I could totally understand.

    “The key climate science word of the meeting was “ignorance.””

    No surprises there.

  3. NoMoreGore says:

    What bike did you use Steve? Was it a nice one?

    • It was very nice hybrid arranged by Tiago, one of the conference organizers. Lisbon has very steep hills (as much as 30% grade) and I needed some low gears to get up them. Having said that, I didn’t see one single other cyclist riding around the city. People seem to ride there for recreation only, and just along the waterfront..

  4. R. de Haan says:

    “Under the rules of the meeting, I can’t really go into any detail about what was discussed”. Mmmmmm.
    That’s how the UN IPCC works.
    Isolation and containment of opinion and views.

    Unless they first want to prepare for an official summary.

    “The key climate science word of the meeting was “ignorance.””

    That’s what we all expected.

    I really hope you’ve had a nice time.

  5. Russ says:

    I just wonder how much this “ignorance.” will be played on next as the human factor in this? Yes that is ignorant to say so, but so was it to blame everything on human activity. Yes Climate changes, as it always have, it would be ignorant to think other wise. Yes man has some effect on that, and it also would be ignorant to think other wise. But what isn’t ignorant is Man is totally the blame for it, and and and and we have to be carbon taxed because essentially this is the best thing that will now save the world. It is more like the best thing in my opinion an excuse to tax because economies are dead and they know it, they have nothing left but debt, so all they have now is a scheme to sell carbon under a bull shit idea like they are presenting! And you know there are people ignorant enough to buy it, But hey that is my ignorant opinion, think for your self-if you dare!

  6. MikeTheDenier says:

    We’re all a bunch of ignorant boobs according to King Holdren

    Science Czar Holdren on Climate Change Skeptics: ‘It Is An Education Problem’

  7. glacierman says:

    “None of the h0ckey team showed up. People there were very friendly and thoughtful.”

    No coincidence that these thoughts were presented in the same bullet.

  8. Good that you made it home! And very, very good to have you there. I’ve been reflecting on what made the atmosphere so special, so that (nearly) everybody got on so well. I think that we are all ‘marginal’ and therefore reflective, to some degree, so that we don’t assume that the Others are wrong, bad, etc. just because of their opinions. We all need to digest it, to understand how significant it might have been. I’m looking forward to more dialogues, maybe in future with more challenging partners.
    And thanks for the Feynman quote!!!!

  9. Baa Humbug says:

    “Some of the climate science contingent were shocked to learn of the predictions Hansen (and others) have made in public”

    These people live in isolated caves or what?
    Did anyone suggest maybe they spend an hour a week on the blogs to see how ‘their science’ is being presented by the extremists to the general public?

    By the way, my understanding was that you can discuss what was said but not reveal who said what.
    Tallbloke is doing just that at Currys and his blog.

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