“Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive”
– Sir Walter Scott
In October, the Met Office put this model-generated winter forecast map on their web site. The press accurately reported on it, and the Met Office responded by saying that the map was worthless and could not be relied on.
After this story came out, The Met Office announced that they no longer make climate model generated seasonal forecasts, like the one they put on their web site in October.
Last March, after three straight years of disastrously wrong seasonal forecasts, they announced that they no longer do seasonal forecasts – like the one they put on their web site seven months later.
In September, they explained how they do the seasonal forecasts, which they had stopped doing six months earlier.
Later they announced that they actually do seasonal forecasts, but just hid the correct information from the public. Apparently their computer model generated forecast map was an intentional decoy to keep the public from being prepared for the winter.
lying bunch of Charlatans the lot of them!
To be fair January (so far) has been mild, and Winter only officially starts on 21st December. :0)
Their forecast map was November through January and included the coldest December on record.
M Carpenter says:
January 15, 2011 at 1:35 pm
To be fair….
How is that being fair? They now claim they knew it was going to be cold and not mild. So you’re saying we have to now accept their forecast of mild was right?
Oops! sorry I’m English and forgot to say Sarc on/off. (I was taking the piss! and am now… a little)
The only things they can do, are always preceeded by hind-
Now, of course, it’s hind-CYA
How can I get a job for life where even when my incompetence leads to the deaths of many, no one will question me?
Have you tried the met office? or some climate research company that are funded by big oil companys.
Seriously, most alarmist climate scientists seem to be worse than useless. It is time to reduce their funding drastically while at the same increasing the funding of skeptical climate science projects to increase the amount of honest/skeptical climate research and double check the work of politicized climate scientists. We also need to increase the funding of meteorologists because they are working on projects whose results can easily be verified.
Again, if they did know it was going to be bitterly cold but instead told the public it was going to be mild, then there are people who prepared for mild but ended up either dying or incurring financial loss from the bitter cold and heavy snow. The Met needs to be held accountable for what they did to people.