New York To Be Underwater In 50 Years – Abraham Obama Can Save The World

Just as we remember Lincoln for abolishing slavery, we would remember Obama “for saving the world from climate catastrophe.’’

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to New York To Be Underwater In 50 Years – Abraham Obama Can Save The World

  1. Dave N says:

    Yawn! Don’t these loons actually check sea-level data? Or global sea-ice data?

  2. Philip Finck says:

    They are getting smarter. Predict “X event will happen” in 50 to 100 years. The person making the prediction will be dead, anyone who read the prediction will be dead, and you don’t have to worry about being proven a total idiot.

    I predict that I will be dead in fifty years. At 100 that is probably, on balance, a pretty safe prediction.

    Other safe predictions

    Next year there will be:
    Record cold.
    Record heat.
    Record Floods.
    Record droughts.
    Record snow falls
    Record minimum snow falls
    A record apple crop (somewhere)

  3. Ralph says:

    Arctic Blast Proof of Global Warming?

    This is my best reply to climate change s**t.

  4. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    What times we live in. Imagine if we lived in a time when cooling made it cold. But we’re beyond all that now.


  5. rw says:

    First they came for the pesticides. Then they came for the asbestos. Then …

    (Does anyone still doubt the power of positive reinforcement? (At this point maybe only negative reinforcement can save us.))

  6. peterhodges says:

    if they would only promise LA will be under water i will leave my truck idling 24/7

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