Obama’s “Recovery Summer”



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Obama’s “Recovery Summer”

  1. Al Gored says:

    Hide the decline!!!

  2. suyts says:

    I’m not very optimistic that we’ll get back to under 6% within the next couple of years. Why did people think a community organizer knew any thing about job creation? A trillion $ and unemployment barely moved. He’s done so many things wrong I’m beginning to think he doesn’t really have an interest in getting America back to work.

  3. DEEBEE says:

    There is always a nagging feeling whenever we simultaneously talk about job creation and the government. And worse i f the context is latter’s capacity to create the former.
    Sort of like the cost of tax cuts or spending cuts that are actually decreases of previous anticipated rates of increase.

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