Oceania Ministry Of Information Explains The Cold


Temperatures in the Arctic are averaging -30C. They are close to normal and sea ice is close to normal. It is dark in the Arctic and almost no sunshine is being received. The cold is widespread across both hemispheres.

h/t to Marc Morano



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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26 Responses to Oceania Ministry Of Information Explains The Cold

  1. NoMoreGore says:

    Not to mention, if this were true, this kind of activity would have peaked in Sept/Oct 2007.

    Looking at your chart, Steve, of the increase in Multi-Year ice and where it lies, this year could be a big buildup. If the NH sea ice returned to or exceeded “normal” thru the minimum (and i’m not betting on this year for that, but soon) Then they’re going to be in a real pickle. How to make a case for warming when everything you’ve been crying about isn’t happening?

    • Yes, the Arctic Oscillation is very negative this winter, which keeps the ice away from The Fram Strait.

    • AndyW says:

      “, this year could be a big buildup. If the NH sea ice returned to or exceeded “normal” thru the minimum (and i’m not betting on this year for that, but soon) Then they’re going to be in a real pickle. How to make a case for warming when everything you’ve been crying about isn’t happening?”

      Yeah but that is what Steve and Anthony Watts said for last year and they were they themselves in a real pickle 😉

      Lets see what the maxima does this year rather than think about another summer disaster for the denialists….


  2. Anything is possible says:

    These patterns of cold winter weather in the northern hemisphere were also a feature of the 1940’s which was the last time the PDO flipped from a warming to a cooling mode.

    Check this out :


    If these patterns can exist in a world where sea ice extent was presumably (the CAGW proponents are forever telling us that the current Arctic sea ice loss is unprecedented) at normal levels, and CO2 levels at 305ppm), does it never occur to any of these dumbasses that there may just be other possible causes for the current weather?

  3. Mike Davis says:

    Now we all must realize that decreased sea ice during late fall into the early stages pf winter allows more sun light to hit the surface of the ocean near the North Pole leading up to and including the shortest days of the year! CO2 in the atmosphere bends the sunlight causing it to strike the region from a higher angle than normal for that time of year!!!!
    The 140 story might be accurate because that would be consistent with ocean atmosphere patterns exasperating each other towards the cold extreme. This person did not realize that he was promoting natural climate factors when claiming this pattern was evident 140 years ago.
    They need some people that understand the weather at NOAA!

  4. R. de Haan says:

    Global Warming has caused the Haiti quake.

    Send in the “White Coats” to perform a forced treatment.
    This claim is to lunatic to debunk.

  5. TimC says:

    Makes no sense at all. From 22/11/2010 through to 21/01/2011 the solar declination has been and will remain under -20 degrees. There has been no “solar heat” absorbed anywhere above Lat 70N, including essentially the whole arctic basin. There has just been a bit of twilight at noon, at up to perhaps 75N: see the Barrow webcam for example.

  6. R. de Haan says:

    Another “local” cold event, this time in China

  7. nofreewind says:

    This is so nutso! The sea ice is down about 1 million sq km.’s, which is 300,000 sq miles which is a square 500 miles by 500 miles. This amount of planet earth is a mere “speck” of our planet. How could this tiny speck of ocean be controlling our planet? Unless it is the land of Oceania.

    • TimC says:

      Actually, as a ball-park estimate, it amounts to about 0.2% of the earth’s surface, as open water at 0C, warming the troposphere to about -25C (instead of being at the usual -30C or so with ice blocking the warming effect).
      So it’s a warming of approximately 5C over 0.2% of the earth’s surface, which is an addition to averaged temperatures of about +0.01C.
      This is material – but it has nothing to do with absorbed sunlight at this latitude!

      • Mike Davis says:

        But But But! A NOAA scientist said that more sunlight would reach the waters during winter and cause this! After all the NOAA understands the Oceans and Atmosphere from the Deepest part of the ocean to the highest part of the atmosphere. Could a government employee get it wrong? 😉

  8. AndyW says:

    Negative AO means warm Arctic, same as last year, though the scientists are saying it has shifted in location this year so it will be interersting to read the monthly update from NSIDC


  9. AndyW says:



    “Arctic sea ice extent for December 2010 was the lowest in the satellite record for that month.”

    Steve said

    “Temperatures in the Arctic are averaging -30C. They are close to normal and sea ice is close to normal. It is dark in the Arctic and almost no sunshine is being received. The cold is widespread across both hemispheres.”

    NSIDC said ” No Steve, that’s not right 🙂


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