Puffington Host Declares Palin’s Career Over – For About The 10th Time

Manipulative, freedom hating leftists are determined to destroy free speech.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Puffington Host Declares Palin’s Career Over – For About The 10th Time

  1. suyts says:

    Well, speech is only one of the freedoms they seek to destroy.

  2. BioBob says:

    I wish them good luck – really, I do.


  3. Chris F says:

    There’s that projection again. It’s what they would like to happen, not what will.

  4. wanjica the one says:

    Sarah Palin is the mind controller. Just ask Jared.

  5. Jim Cole says:

    The Left will continue this meme so they can soon refer to Palin as the “Zombie Candidate” who refuses to die and go away.

    And they’ll think they’re soooooooooooo cle-ver.


  6. Frank Shvuntz says:

    sarah don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out

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